If you want good customer service... don't by Paxton!!

I have not been on in a while and never posted here. I have read all of this thread today and have gone through the range of thoughts I think all have gone through here. I at first admired the conviction to stand up and fight of course. Then I see that there was no warranty card by him as original owner, 18 months from original purchase and 11 months to first contact about any probs for parts with 90 (ninety!!) day warranty? I dont know about other cases and they dont matter to me here. But you are crazy for thinking you deserve anything more than a courteous and happy company when they have to sell you a new 90 (ninety days from purchase fool!!) day warranty pump. You are well enough educated to know what 90 days is. You spent $8K on something you knew would void your truck warranty and should know the 90 day warranty implies minimal confidence in this pump or "your" intentions with this s/c (and you should probably expect to buy a few for uninterrupted enjoyment).
1. Do you possess enough degrees to explain why you waited for so long to complain?
2. Why a clear in writing limited time warranty doesn't apply to you.
3. What did you (or us) gain from your dismissal? And...
4a. Why, if dismissed without prejudice, are you giving up now?
4b.Has the Principle of the thing "expired" or something?
You sound like one of my kids running to me to be the first one trying to convince me of the "real" story to jade me before I hear the other side. You have made all look like a fool. 11 months was never said by you and you left it out because you are smart enough to know you would lose credibility for complaining so late after your purchase. L8r
l8rg8rz said:
1. Do you possess enough degrees to explain why you waited for so long to complain?

Actually I started complaining to Paxton about the unit only days into owning the unit, it sat idle in my garage for 3 months while getting noting by lip service from Paxton on getting them to repolish the unit. At that time I would have been happy with sending it in (at their expense) to get the unit repolished, and defects removed. But since having a $8k unit sitting idle is dumb, I decided to finally install it, and deal with the problem later on.

After finally getting a joke of an answer from them, they wanted me to take my truck offline (daily driver) for several weeks while they finally wanted to inspect the parts. They could have done this ANYTIME during the first 3 months while it sat in a box, but that would have been too easy.

l8rg8rz said:
2. Why a clear in writing limited time warranty doesn't apply to you.

Because I waited 3 months into owning it to install it while I waited for Paxton to own up to the problem, the warranty was done on the water pump BEFORE even the first startup. The pump failed in less than 90 days from the day I did the initial startup.

l8rg8rz said:
3. What did you (or us) gain from your dismissal? And...
You are mistating the readings, I DID NOT dismiss the case, the court did.

l8rg8rz said:
4a. Why, if dismissed without prejudice, are you giving up now?

4b.Has the Principle of the thing "expired" or something?
The court dismissed the case WITH PREJUDICE thus forcing me to give up.. but I am not... yet... as Paxton still needs to explain why they choose to lie under oath about the discussion the Brad (SRTBRAD) and them had in person.

So before you go off making accusations, make sure you know the facts, and if there is question as to what is being said, ask!!!
l8rg8rz said:
\Then I see that there was no warranty card by him as original owner, 18 months from original purchase and 11 months to first contact about any probs for parts with 90 (ninety!!) day warranty?

BTW there was no warranty card in the box that arrived, all I had to prove that I wa the owner was my cashed check to the vendor, and a faxed copy of a purchase receipt.

I got just a large beat up cardboard box filled with parts that were shantilly wrapped in bubble wrap.
Scott, and everyone else...just seems to me that there is nothing to be gained by continuing this discussion...

You know, you win some, you lose some....and from time to time things are just rained out.

Prof said:
Scott, and everyone else...just seems to me that there is nothing to be gained by continuing this discussion...

You know, you win some, you lose some....and from time to time things are just rained out.


I would agree with that.. and maybe locking the topic would be the best thing to do? Mods?
Prof said:
Scott, and everyone else...just seems to me that there is nothing to be gained by continuing this discussion...

You know, you win some, you lose some....and from time to time things are just rained out.


Bingo:rock: but if you want the hard core side:D the vendor that you bought it from should have taken care of it for ya;)
I think we all think that too............
This is SrtBrad on my wife's name.

Lets make this simple. Scott is a stand up guy with values and does not need to explain standing up for what he believes in. He is an honorable man and has shown this numerous times here in the forum. Just because he has sued people numerous times does not mean he is sue happy. He would be the first guy to help you if you had a problem with a company and it was a legit problem.

I can say that I have personally heard both sides of the story and have even gone down to Paxton's place of business and had conversations with the same people that have dismissed my conversation with them on Scott's behalf.

Paxton should be ashamed of themselves and we should be a little more understanding of a fellow member standing up for his rights. As a matter of fact we should be helping Scott by asking what we can do to help.

Just my .02

BTW if Paxton or any of It's representatives would like to contact me to explain a few thing to me please feel free to contact me at any time.

323 896-3281
Stinker said:
Bingo:rock: but if you want the hard core side:D the vendor that you bought it from should have taken care of it for ya;)
I think we all think that too............

Gary did stand in for me, he was blown off, I think he made at least 3-4 phone calls, and sent several emails.. all of which went unanswered.
azpyroguy said:
Gary did stand in for me, he was blown off, I think he made at least 3-4 phone calls, and sent several emails.. all of which went unanswered.
best left to close this thread quickly,after the horror stories told in panama concerning this vendor
Scott, It seems like you have gone above and beyond to explain or defend your position to those that have questioned your motive. The bottom line is that you should brush all the comments off. It's your money and time. What ever you decide to do with it does not merit a defense or explanation to any one. What matters is that you are satisfied with the outcome. DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLE MAKE YOUR BUSINESS THEIRS.
Please close this thread

I know Scott personally, he is a good guy. He stands up for himself when people wrong him which he has a right to do. He has helped many people out here on this forum before and we know he will continue to do so. This thread is really starting to bother me because of the way it has turned out. Lock this thing down.
I'm not saying Scott is right or wrong. But if we did not have people like Scott standing up to corporations. Just imagine how they would end up screwing everyone else.
noid said:
I'm not saying Scott is right or wrong. But if we did not have people like Scott standing up to corporations. Just imagine how they would end up screwing everyone else.
We are turning out to be a nation of sheep.OC Bob had a quote in his sig. that kind of stuck with me.
sorry. I didnt know enough. Ill go back to where i was. Im not buying pax anyway. I just really thought amount of time was the factor.
azpyroguy said:
I never said that I wanted free stuff, with interest.... I only wanted them to do the right thing and fix the problem and it never happened.

BTW: The waterpump is way more then $50, try more like $200, and polishing is about $300.

Quality assurance, and customer service are non-existence terms in most business models today... I only expect to actually get what I have paid for, and not have to pay twice.

If you want to take their side, fine.. I really don't care what you think about me, those who have met me know the kind of person that I am, and if you want take pot shots at me from 2500 miles away and hide behind a screen name doing so, go right on ahead.

Just take a look at the thread of how I handled the situation with speakers that I sent to Maui/SRT10 that got busted in shipment.


I would not have had to have done that.. but because I felt it WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO I DID.

I could have said, tough.... deal with FedEx yourself.

I reread my first post and realize that it came off a bit harsher than I had intended. Our current legal environment is a bit of a hot button with me. Sorry if that felt like an attack.

My point is that there are better ways to handle a situation like this and some of the others that you have mentioned. As for the warranty, unless you had a dated shop receipt of when the charger was actually installed, I don't blame Paxton for not feeling like the warranty was valid. Most businesses deal with people who try to take advantage of them on a regular basis. They don't know you from Adam. Most warranties are from the date of purchase, not startup. I don't know the whole story in detail, and I'm not taking sides as I have no dog in this fight. Some people have the misunderstanding that good customer service means doing anything the customer wants. That isn't true. If they have stated policies and your problem is ruled out by one, then you are out of luck unless they are feeling especially generous. Generosity isn't a requirement. Good customer service is being courteous, answering the phone or returning messages in a timely manner, and performing their service as promised, when promised. Paxton may not have met my requirements in your situation, but honoring an expired warranty is not listed.

Some on here know some different issues that I have had. Not once have I resorted to legal action. Nor have I used the internet as a weapon. So again IMO there are better ways to handle these types of issues. You don't have to agree with me, I'd just like for you to consider a different approach.

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Now these latest posts are more like our family...

A little tolerance, a dose of consideration...and freedom to state our opinions without stabbing someone else with them...

Nice stuff!
Prof said:
Now these latest posts are more like our family...

A little tolerance, a dose of consideration...and freedom to state our opinions without stabbing someone else with them...

Nice stuff!
I agree,sure glad it wasnt locked..:D :smokin: