I'm just curious:

Prof said:
No, I believe Tim is referring to me. I think anyone that does not believe the way he does are categorized as "want to be seen as great thinkers"...so be it. It might be true.

I am an acknowledged snob. I have little tolerance for ignorance because it is just a result of being lazy...ignorance is curable. But if some do not want to do the work to ferret out the facts from the fables that is certainly their choice. They just continue to erode their personal credibility. Reading is a good first step...but it must be broad based reading of carefully scrutinized material. Most all material is biased to some extent. Be sure you understand the ulterior motives of the author, then apply that knowledge to the words used and the words not used.

A snob???:confused: Really???:dontknow: I just thought you were a freakin' weirdo....Hmmm......Oh well, VOTE FOR MCCAIN/PALIN!!!!!:D
In reference to your question Tim, my answer is YES.

My family as far back as I remember have been Democrats...even in the Dark Ages of elections in my home country India. Many stories told to me by my great-grandfather and grandfather before their passing of a corrupt political system but withstanding adversity, they always seemed to remain stern in their beliefs.

That being said, my decisions in my selections were always to vote for a certain party, regardless of the choice of candidate, were mainly pressure (mostly on myself to do what I thought my family would want) to stay with a cultural upbringing that was instilled in me.

Enter present day:

I must admit though, it has been the VTCOA discussion as well three other forums I frequent plus the multitude of internet jargon and streaming video I have available to me for countless hours I have at work to do nothing but read and think.:slug:
slow91 said:
In reference to your question Tim, my answer is YES.

My family as far back as I remember have been Democrats...even in the Dark Ages of elections in my home country India. Many stories told to me by my great-grandfather and grandfather before their passing of a corrupt political system but withstanding adversity, they always seemed to remain stern in their beliefs.

That being said, my decisions in my selections were always to vote for a certain party, regardless of the choice of candidate, were mainly pressure (mostly on myself to do what I thought my family would want) to stay with a cultural upbringing that was instilled in me.

Enter present day:

I must admit though, it has been the VTCOA discussion as well three other forums I frequent plus the multitude of internet jargon and streaming video I have available to me for countless hours I have at work to do nothing but read and think.:slug:

Congatulations on making up your mind based on your own research, whoever you support. That say's alot about you, all positive!:congrats: :congrats: :rock:

No change for me... In fact, I have been saying since Ron Paul dropped out, I would be voting for McCains veep. What a great choice that turned out to be... :D
Tim is a man among men, and above most.
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Prof said:
Tim, I believe there was a paragraph between my comments about your comments and the comments about credibility in the post above. It was not intended as a personal attack. If you took it that way, then I apologize, I should have possibly made my second comment about credibility as another post. It was a statement about my frustration with those that accept every rumor or spin mastered comment as the absolute truth.

If you are weary of my efforts to elevate the level of discussion I am sorry that you feel that way. I am not your teacher, but maybe you should consider going back...just a thought:D
The short bus is full Roy :p
I respect both Tim(2933) and Roy. I do hope that my instincts are correct and that they have reached an accord....

I love both 'a u guys....

I find it interesting that now two of our members have responded in the affirmative (yes) regarding changing their minds as a result of our debates....

Ironically enough, the individual whose comment sparked this thread/poll (Mikey) ... who said that all the talk was bullshit and would never serve to change anyone's mind, is one of those two who actually DID change their minds...

It's a fascinating place, this forum or ours .....

Django said:
I find it interesting that now two of our members have responded in the affirmative (yes) regarding changing their minds as a result of our debates....

Ironically enough, the individual whose comment sparked this thread/poll (Mikey) ... who said that all the talk was bullshit and would never serve to change anyone's mind, is one of those two who actually DID change their minds...

It's a fascinating place, this forum or ours .....

I never indicated from what to what though did I ;) :D
TheSickness said:
I never indicated from what to what though did I ;) :D

You made no secret of the fact that you thought McCain was nothing more than a third term for Bush... ergo you intended to vote for Obama.... "vote the bastards out" and all that....

But, I didn't specifically ask that question anyway.... Only if anyone had changed their mind.....

Django said:
You made no secret of the fact that you thought McCain was nothing more than a third term for Bush... ergo you intended to vote for Obama.... "vote the bastards out" and all that....

But, I didn't specifically ask that question anyway.... Only if anyone had changed their mind.....

I have..... Palin has made me want to wait until the 2nd debate to see what she will do with her new found celebrity....Then I am going to shoot Biden and McCain ...Chenney style right in the forehead and make a more attractive ticket :marchmellow:

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