Riff update thread


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
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Haunting your soul
Got off of the phone with Diane about 1/2 an hour ago. Matt is out of surgery and is on a ventilator for the night. The surgery went a few hours longer then expected...What that means we don't know yet. The Doctors have yet to brief her fully and I am waiting for another phone call from her after she talks to them. I saw the thread Prof started and that was awesome, I know he appreciates the kind words, thoughts and prayers. The road to recovery will be difficult and continued support is what will be needed. Matt is a great friend of mine and I hope you all join me in showing some good old fashioned VTCOA Love and support. I am looking forward to my final GTG this summer at his place when he is well enough to have some friends over. He and I joked that we could start a Traveling Tumor that everyone could sign like the banner :D I will update everyone as I receive information.

Get well soon Matty....I Love ya Bro :rock:
OCBob said:
Please continue to keep us updated Mikey. I hope with all my heart that all goes well.
I gave my word 6 months ago that I would be there for him and his family....I am in for the long haul no matter what. He is my friend and that's how I roll :D Indeed I will Bob..count on it :rock:
Update !!!!

OK so the surgery went really well according to the Doc's. Everything went as planned. They are keeping him on the ventilator until tomorrow afternoon. Then they will wake him up and see WTF is up. Diane has had no sleep and she is doing as well as can be expected. They apparently think they got all of it and the bone removal from the inner ear went very well. LOL sorry got a Operation game flash back typing this...Could never get that damn wishbone to save my life :D Diane is going to call me tomorrow after they wake him up and finish the first battery of tests and I will post updates accordingly :elefant: Thank you all for your support, Mikey :D
Mikey, Lets get some money together and send him a get well gift from the VTCOA. Waddaya think??
My thoughts and prayers go out to Matt and Diane. (I totally missed Prof's thread, I'll go check it out!)

Get well soon Matt!!!!!

Thanks for keeping us updated Mikey.
Thanx for the update Mikey...my thoughts & prayers are with both Matt & Diane, stay strong and get well soon brudda!! Love from Jersey mang...and can't wait to come visit again this summer :rock:
Thanks for the update Mikey....:rock:

Our thoughts and prayers are whit Matt and his Family....

Please let me know if we are going to start a collection for him...

God has a plan, we must find solace in that plan, some of us call it faith.

My prayers are for a good outcome. My faith is in a loving God.

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