Saying hi..hopeful owner

I'd whoop both your butts!

You may be biting off a bit more than you can chew.
On second thought, you're used to biting big things. So come here and have it, ese
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But Hank started it. :(
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Hey...don't mind me. I got a bag of popcorn. -This is better than anything on TV right now! :)
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You really should meet Steve he is a great guy. Now the other guy is just a dick.:elefant::elefant:
You really should meet Steve he is a great guy. Now the other guy is just a dick.:elefant::elefant:

Might crash one of your lunches at Buds in a couple weeks. I'm due some leave, and plan on meeting you two there, if that's ok?
hey you queerebaits. you need to leave the drillin to the prof. STFU. should change my name to powerdriller, or drillmaster:rock:
That would be great. Every Thursday at noon. Have you seen Marks truck yet?

Only in pictures. He PM'd me his cell#. I'm afraid to look at it if I can't buy it. That'll just depress me.:(
haha, he prob would've! now he can't even tear up his own toast bread, dude has to toss that crap in a blender to swallow it! hahahahaha
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and act how? cuz i talk good game on here doesn't mean i "act" a certain way.........didn't know my words carried so much weight, thanks!!!:dontknow:;):argh:
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