Sorry I have been missing...

Great news Dale..Glad this is all but behind you..Just outta curiousity, do you have any great wisdom to impart to us after such a life altering event?..Im not trying to be condescending, just wondering how this has changed your outlook on things..I have read (almost) every post about your battle, and have a good sense of what you might say, but, well, humor me if you
Although my situation was a bit different than yours, its amazing how such a thing will fade over time..Its almost like it was someone else who went through it least thats how I feel..I guess you just get busy living..
Anyway, congrats bro..Im really happy for you..
Riff62 said:
Great news Dale..Glad this is all but behind you..Just outta curiousity, do you have any great wisdom to impart to us after such a life altering event?..Im not trying to be condescending, just wondering how this has changed your outlook on things..I have read (almost) every post about your battle, and have a good sense of what you might say, but, well, humor me if you
Although my situation was a bit different than yours, its amazing how such a thing will fade over time..Its almost like it was someone else who went through it least thats how I feel..I guess you just get busy living..
Anyway, congrats bro..Im really happy for you..

Good question.

For me it is the small things that are the big things now. Learning to love all over again. After my divorce I was a closed off person. I did not let people in close. Now I understand the value of having close friends. I am willing to open up and let them inside my heart. I learned who my true friends were vice who said they were friends.

I learned to put some things in my life in the right priority order. A few things had gotten out of whack, and a little thing like mortality has a way of fixing that.

I got a first hand look at what the spirit of good people can do to those in need. I experienced what the power of positive words can do for ones mental outlook. I learned the value of positive visualization.

I also learned the power of acceptance. When something like this hits, you really can not afford to waste energy on the "Why Me." You just need to accept what it is and focus on what you can control. There were not many things I could control, but I did what I could no matter how small it was. Every little thing was a "WIN".

I also dug a little deeper in my faith. I was already attending church before this happened, but a thing like this will make you pay a bit more attention. When I prayed I was afraid to ask for a healing, so instead I asked for strength. That was answered by way of friends and family.

Take Care,
Very moving Dale

I had my surgery to remove the port yesterday. I was there by 8:30 AM. My scheduled start time was 11:45. They did not start until 5:00 PM. I did not get home until almost 8:00 PM. However, everything went fine. I am now free from all of this cancer business. I have only the scars and my surveillance program ( I get checked frequently to be sure there is no relapse) left as reminders.

I want to thank every one for the continued support and prayers.

This weekend will be a very special one, as I will have a portion of my family with me, friends from work, and a few of my friends from here all joining together in a night of festivities. I look forward to the smiles and laughs we can all share together.
Great to hear Dale! I have been following as many others here supporting and praying for a complete recovery and it goes to show that prayer is answered and no matter what we've been through or are going through that FAITH is our best medicine. Congrats and wish I could be there this weekend and meet you and shake your hand. Good job man!!:congrats:
Well, it is that time again. I go in for a CT scan tomorrow. I will have a follow up visit with my Dr. next Friday.

In the book It's Not About the Bike, Lance Armstrong talks about the Survivorship phase being the toughest. And in a sense he is right. There has not been a day since October 1, 2009 that I have forgotten I am a Cancer Survivor. What I mean by that is, it is always on your mind. Every cough brings fear. Every unexplained twinge, brings doubt. Every story of another person you know falling victim to Cancer brings back the struggle.

I watched a movie with the family this weekend called The boys are back. The plot was about a mother dying from cancer leaving a 6 yo son and father on their own. It was very tough, as it struck so close to home. My boss, who was at the Cancer Free Party, just had his step mom diagnosed a few weeks ago. She made it through 1 chemo session. Treatments have been stopped, and focus is on quality of life for the remaining few days.

All this brings fear and guilt. Sometimes you feel guilty for being a survivor. I worked so very hard to avoid the "Why me" during the treatment. But it is so very hard to not feel it now. So I sit here in angst as I prepare for my surveillance. I pray for the best news, but I am unsure what I should hope for...
You take Care Brother

I'll continue to keep you in my prayers
I hear you man..every time I get a headache, or I itch the side of my head, or have some pain in my neck, I always think, is this?..
It doesnt get any easier, even after 2 yrs, and 24 days since my surgery..I guess you just get to the point where you realize that everything is just a freakin crap shoot..You do what you can to influence outcomes, but really there isnt much you can do about anything..Hope for the best is about al you can do here..
Riff62 said:
I hear you man..every time I get a headache, or I itch the side of my head, or have some pain in my neck, I always think, is this?..
It doesnt get any easier, even after 2 yrs, and 24 days since my surgery..I guess you just get to the point where you realize that everything is just a freakin crap shoot..You do what you can to influence outcomes, but really there isnt much you can do about anything..Hope for the best is about al you can do here..
Thank You.
God's will be done...we just have to have the grace to accept and understand.
Prof said:
God's will be done...we just have to have the grace to accept and understand.
Roy, you are so right. Somedays it takes work to remember that. Thanks for putting it back in perspective.

What are you doing October 1 this year? I am thinking I need to celebrate the 1 year anniversary.
Whoa....a repeat...maybe you and the bride should come here and celebrate in the Windy City??? We would love to host you two...and we have plenty of room!
I wish you all the best Dale. A positive mental attitude overcomes most and the lord handles the rest. Stay strong.
Prof said:
Whoa....a repeat...maybe you and the bride should come here and celebrate in the Windy City??? We would love to host you two...and we have plenty of room!
Roy, we are talking about it :) We may look to take you up on that.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers.
Good luck to you :rock: :rock: :rock:
I pray God's best upon you all.......

Thanks for the love, Brother Dale........

God bless.........

We have lots to do here! Hope we can get together again soon.