Standing mile - Top end run in Miami

Well,Three days to go:rock:
I am feeling a little weirded out lately:)dontknow: )It's not like I never been up in that m.p.h before,But for some reason,I am a feeling strange,Maybe the stress,work load,and preparation combined :dontknow: has something to do with this ????It's funny,But Now I am hearing every squeek,Bang and rattle in the truck.But it's all good,I'll be there with with my game face on!!:D
Upgrades to to truck include a a line of fire light bar,viper emblem on the steering wheel,a set of new Pirelli's,Black powder coated wheels,Fluid changes across the board,Other than that,I'll be at my usual street package(aprox 5,700 lbs.)and slightly lowered,And yes,I am adding weight with my add on,s instead of going on a diet:dontknow: .One of my goals are to see what a street truck is capable of in full street trim.If afforded the extra run,I I will be trying some aero mods that I have been working on:D
Back to work,I'll post up on the who.s going thread for some needed pertinent info >>>:burnout: :burnout: :burnout:
Rice Eater

Anyone else???? Does anyone wanna meet up and ride there together? Either way I'll be there!!!!

Sup Ricey!!! long time no see!!!

sateen.......yes I am finally able to get away for a few hours!!! ITS TO HARD TO PASS UP THAT MONEY!!!

Mickey.....cant wait to see ya kill it out there!!! Hopefully we will have a nice turn out for ya.
I'll be there. Not sure what time yet.
If a stock truck " holds the world record at 156" then I think if his truck is altered with an additional 200 HP?.. then I think he would be able to use 6th gear more effectively and would would say 169.:rock:

Well,i,m packed and ready to go:D
See ya all later!!!:rock:
Good luck:rock: oh and don't forget the Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos :)
OSO said:
Good luck:rock: oh and don't forget the Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos Pics and videos :)
:withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid: :withstupid:
just got back Mickey bounced off the rev limiter in 5th about 100 feet before the traps! he needs a set of .410s! they were not announcing times or giving print outs be he did have an onboard GPS that said 163 on one of his runs. He is still making some more so he may still beat that.

Litemup has the vids. It was hot as hell outside...the winter ones should be a little more tollerable!

Nice job Mickey:congrats: :congrats: :marchmellow:

Good to see all the rest of you guys too!:rock:
Very cool!!! But no time slips???? What's the deal with that? :dontknow:

On the subject of GPS for accurate speeds, there's a finite duration between velocity updates on the screen. It's great for steady state or small velocity changes, but when you're rapidly accelerating, many folks at Bonneville who thought that it would be the most accurate were off (in both directions) by 10 mph or more at the traps. One person almost "broke out" at 139.9 when his GPS stated 130, and another backed off because the GPS stated 140 and he was only going 128.

I had calibrated my speedo and tuned the revs/mile in the PCM before I went, so my speedo was pretty right on with the traps. My 100 mph calibration run was 100.8 per the traps. For the 130+ runs, it lagged a MPH or two, so I thought I hadn't made it when I really did. :rock:

Rice Eater said:
just got back Mickey bounced off the rev limiter in 5th about 100 feet before the traps! he needs a set of .410s! they were not announcing times or giving print outs be he did have an onboard GPS that said 163 on one of his runs. He is still making some more so he may still beat that.

Litemup has the vids. It was hot as hell outside...the winter ones should be a little more tollerable!

Nice job Mickey:congrats: :congrats: :marchmellow:

Good to see all the rest of you guys too!:rock: