The Skeptics Thread

Azmal and his ilk should all change their forum names to THE ANTICHRIST.

That's EXACTLY what they are....... Anti Christ... Anti-spiritual.

Anyone who wishes to follow would become AntiChrist II AntiChrist III etc.....

It's high time that you all were recognized for exactly what you are.... The AntiChrist.

Live long and prosper.

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Django said:
Azmal and his ilk should all change their forum names to THE ANTICHRIST.

That's EXACTLY what they are....... Anti Christ... Anti-spiritual.

Anyone who wishes to follow would become AntiChrist II AntiChrist III etc.....

It's high time that you all were recognized for exactly what you are.... The AntiChrist.

Live long and prosper.


Just call me A.C for short. Wish I had more time to spread my evil deeds on the forum here but I couldn't break free from killing baby seals, selling crack, and running over school children with my ozone depleting viper truck. "Oh yes, let us raise our torches and pitch forks for we have found the antijebus; let us commence evisceration and burning hither to and fro"
/end sarcasm

Are you bipolar or what? I was tempted to laugh but I think you actually meant that last post.
If the way you act has anything to do with being faithful or spiritual, count me out.
Year or so ago had someone asked me what I thought of you it would have been high in praise but wow... I'm really disappointed. You've either fallen far or have a thin facade. Antichrist... how lame. You're the 'AntiZeus' and anti-any-other-god-except-jesusdaddy. I'll just say it; you're suffering from a delusion.

I'm obviously not against god since I don't believe there is one. I'm against religion, not against being 'spiritual' unless you think being spiritual is an exclusive religious trait, which it is not. I also wish adults would not believe in fairy tales outside the asylums. Belief in a deity is a chosen option. Religion tells us we MUST have faith and believe and if reasonable logic obstructs you, then you're just not digging your head into the sand deep enough. Gotta hand it to Django though, he's got this part down pact. How's China lookin D? When you believe in fiction hard enough and long enough, it becomes true. I've known people (grown middle aged adults) who think they're vampires, animals (AKA furries), and elves too... It should be obvious that people can believe just about anything and they don't have to be in the nut house to believe these things. Think you're immune? Take a step back and reevaluate your belief system and make sure you're not in the same category.
Azmal said:
Evolution is a fact that doesn't disprove god but just makes his role as creator of humans as highly improbable.

Hot Ram: "It is not possible for the non-spiritual to comprehend that which is discernible only to the spirit.They have knowingly or unknowingly shut off input from their spirit in favor of that which makes sense to them : things which are logical.Faith defies all logic of human reasoning."

Hot Ram: You're making a statement that is a belief by itself and you assume it is a universal truth. On what grounds do you conclude that faith is separate from any other mental function?

It would take a L O N G time to try to explain why I made that statement and believe it to be true.I presume that you would then dismiss my explanation from your "logical/skeptical" point of view.

The short version is that man is a three-part being (made in the image and likeness of God : Father,Son,Holy Spirit = 3 parts,all God) that consists of

1)the spirit or the "REAL" you,the part that gives life to the body
2)the soul which consists of the mind,the will,the emotions
3) the body,which contains our spirit and soul on the earth

Faith is NOT a mental function and no amount of study,school or anything else will ever cause the mind to produce faith

The mind is that part of the human being that makes decisions,and forms thoughts and opinions.It can do many things,even what to some are "supernatural" things,but it can't produce faith.

Faith is a spiritual force that can ONLY come from the spirit.If your spirit is neglected by depriving it of spiritual food,it withers and becomes weak just as the physical body would if you never feed it.

As to your statement that evolution is a fact,I have one question for you : how can you PROVE that to me ? Just because there are a majority that accept it does NOT make it a fact.You and others have chosen to accept it or "believe" it and yet to me it remains an unproven "theory",not a fact.

The very evidences that you or others might point to to prove evolution might just as easily be used by a creationist to prove his argument that a Supreme Being with an Intelligent Design created the earth.

In fact,Dr.Carl Baugh has a Creation Evidence Museum that does that very thing.It will probably be argued by you that there are many proofs to back evolution.There are just as many to back creationism/intelligent design.Just depends on how you look at it.

Go ahead,fire away :D
Azmal said:
If the way you act has anything to do with being faithful or spiritual, count me out.

I'm obviously not against god since I don't believe there is one.
Just tellin' it the way it is..... You are striving (albeit in vain) to convince believers (especially Christians) to abandon their ignorant faith......

You are therefore against Christ.......... This (by definition) is AntiChirst.....

You should be happy to admit what you are..............

Django said:
Azmal and his ilk should all change their forum names to THE ANTICHRIST.

That's EXACTLY what they are....... Anti Christ... Anti-spiritual.

Anyone who wishes to follow would become AntiChrist II AntiChrist III etc.....

It's high time that you all were recognized for exactly what you are.... The AntiChrist.

Live long and prosper.


...and you said you didn't smoke pot any more.;)

I love it when you talk dirty.:p
Azmal said:
Evolution is a fact that doesn't disprove god but just makes his role as creator of humans as highly improbable.

I've pretty much avoided this and D's other thread. I personally don't find them worth talking about in this type of format.

One thing that needs to be pointed out to you and everyone is that Evolution is not a scientific fact, just a theory. Much different for those that try to follow the scientific method. Just wanted to point that out. Am I saying I do not believe in Evolution, heck no, just trying to point out a problem with definitions.

Am I giving any support to you or D, no. I think you are both a little blinded by your beliefs....

Look, no horsehsit....

I'm really just doing what I can to fuck with you, man.....

Who knows if there is such thing as the Beast or the fkn Antichrist. But what I think yer doing is bullshit and I just wanna fk with you guys as much as I possibly can........

It's like a Dad who has the neighborhood 4-5 yr olds over visiting his kids and tells them all that Santa Claus is fkn dead....... It's just fkn mean... that's all...



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jelms said:
I've pretty much avoided this and D's other thread. I personally don't find them worth talking about in this type of format.

One thing that needs to be pointed out to you and everyone is that Evolution is not a scientific fact, just a theory. Much different for those that try to follow the scientific method. Just wanted to point that out. Am I saying I do not believe in Evolution, heck no, just trying to point out a problem with definitions.

Am I giving any support to you or D, no. I think you are both a little blinded by your beliefs....

All I know is those Easter marshmellow Peeps kick ass....:D
TheSickness said:
All I know is those Easter marshmellow Peeps kick ass....:D

Damn right, specially the yellow ones..... not as much bitter aftertaste in the dye.

TheSickness said:
All I know is those Easter marshmellow Peeps kick ass....:D

The yellow ones are 10 times better then the gay pink ones. They catch on fire much quicker in the microwave:D

Burn you pink peep bastage.....

jelms said:
The yellow ones are 10 times better then the gay pink ones. They catch on fire much quicker in the microwave:D

Burn you pink peep bastage.....


That's it..!!! It's an Epiphany.....!

I declare Peeps as the Living God............... No one would dare claim that our God doesn't exist.........!!!!!

"And thus saith the Lord, EAT ME.......!!!


We have those Peeps because Jesus died for our sins and chocolate Bunnies signify the cross....Have no idea WTF the eggs got to do with it but hey whatever gets your rocks off LOLOLOL Just trying to bring some levity to a really dark thread...Azmal I respect your position...I don't have to accept it though. Same with Django and Nelson and Jelms. This is a no win situation on all ends....Let's embrace those who are different and give each other wedgies..Because someone seems a little mentally screwed up with what you personally believe does not mean they are stupid...Just Different.
TheSickness said:
We have those Peeps because Jesus died for our sins and chocolate Bunnies signify the cross....Have no idea WTF the eggs got to do with it but hey whatever gets your rocks off LOLOLOL Just trying to bring some levity to a really dark thread...Azmal I respect your position...I don't have to accept it though. Same with Django and Nelson and Jelms. This is a no win situation on all ends....Let's embrace those who are different and give each other wedgies..Because someone seems a little mentally screwed up with what you personally believe does not mean they are stupid...Just Different.

The fkn eggs came along with the amalgamation of 2 holy days.....Christ's resurrection and the Pagan celebration of the fertility Goddess Oestrus (sp?)... the just smacked the two days into one ... Hence bunnies and eggs and all kindsa other shit that represents fertility....

The Jehovah's Witnesses have a really BAD JUJU going about Easter.... Perhaps for good reason..... Whoda fuck knows...:dontknow:


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Django said:
The fkn eggs came along with the amalgamation of 2 holy days.....Christ's resurrection and the Pagan celebration of the fertility Goddess Oestrus (sp?)... the just smakced the two days into one ... Hence bunnies and eggs and all kindsa other shit that represents fertility....

The Jehovah's Witnesses have a really BAD JUJU going about Easter.... Perhaps for good reason..... Whoda fuck knows...:dontknow:


I was hoping for an Athiest view on Peepage..But Hail Peeps cracked me the Fuck up :marchmellow:
HOT RAM said:
The short version is that man is a three-part being (made in the image and likeness of God : Father,Son,Holy Spirit = 3 parts,all God) that consists of
1)the spirit or the "REAL" you,the part that gives life to the body
2)the soul which consists of the mind,the will,the emotions
3) the body,which contains our spirit and soul on the earth
Faith is NOT a mental function and no amount of study,school or anything else will ever cause the mind to produce faith
The mind is that part of the human being that makes decisions,and forms thoughts and opinions.It can do many things,even what to some are "supernatural" things,but it can't produce faith.
What you're saying there isn't bad but it's still circular, and makes assumptions of certain ideas and facts that obviously nobody can actually know any farther than subjective and whimsical notions.

Surely you can admit that people in general are naturally susceptible to the power of suggestion. Given the other wacky faith systems out there, perhaps you can admit that there's a more common human factor involved.

And I don't know what grounds you proclaim that faith is not a mental function either. Did you learn it somewhere? Did got come down and tell you? Or is it something else you simply must believe in order for god to make sense to you?

As a side point you might be surprised to know that advances in neuroscience have located a section of the brain that is responsible for and/or is active during 'religious experiences' and something to do with a god complex. Been a while since I read the article. I don't mean that to prove anything to you either but it's food for thought at least... Would it make any difference to you if they did find a way to chemically 'kill god'?

HOT RAM said:
As to your statement that evolution is a fact,I have one question for you : how can you PROVE that to me ? Just because there are a majority that accept it does NOT make it a fact.You and others have chosen to accept it or "believe" it and yet to me it remains an unproven "theory",not a fact.

The very evidences that you or others might point to to prove evolution might just as easily be used by a creationist to prove his argument that a Supreme Being with an Intelligent Design created the earth.
Evolution is a fact in the sense of it being overwhelmingly validated by the evidence. The same way we consider the Earth revolving around the sun as a fact.

"There is no sharp line between speculation, hypothesis, theory, principle, and fact, but only a difference along a sliding scale, in the degree of probability of the idea. When we say a thing is a fact, then, we only mean that its probability is an extremely high one: so high that we are not bothered by doubt about it and are ready to act accordingly. Now in this use of the term fact, the only proper one, evolution is a fact.

The National Academy of Science (U.S.) makes a similar point:
"Scientists most often use the word "fact" to describe an observation. But scientists can also use fact to mean something that has been tested or observed so many times that there is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing or looking for examples. The occurrence of evolution in this sense is fact. Scientists no longer question whether descent with modification occurred because the evidence is so strong."

I'm definitely not going to quote a set of Encyclopedia Britannica on here,
but really, this is something you'd have to pick up a science text book up on and read up. Or at least some wiki searches. The scientists aren't out to get your god, I promise. They're out to discover and understand our universe. If god pops up, it'll go down in the text books.

There is so much collaborative evidence it's overwhelming. I've studied a broad variety of topics and it all fits. I don't have to go to atheist websites to get my material. I generally accept most of what I learn and stand on the shoulders of giants. My opinion ultimately doesn't matter but I can back up what I present.

Alright, evolution I think is a good topic. If you're a reasonable human being I can convince you it is true.

Obviously if you are of utter blind faith and nothing ever written in educational books then its all a moot point but I don't think you're like that so lets roll with this one.

You tell me which points you feel about evolution are not true, or why you don't believe it. I'm sure you don't feel it's all just a conspiracy against god. What points would convince you that evolution is a fact after all?
TheSickness said:
We have those Peeps because Jesus died for our sins and chocolate Bunnies signify the cross....Have no idea WTF the eggs got to do with it but hey whatever gets your rocks off LOLOLOL Just trying to bring some levity to a really dark thread...Azmal I respect your position...I don't have to accept it though. Same with Django and Nelson and Jelms. This is a no win situation on all ends....Let's embrace those who are different and give each other wedgies..Because someone seems a little mentally screwed up with what you personally believe does not mean they are stupid...Just Different.

Someone doesn't agree with me:mad: Now I'm taking my ball and going home...

I've only posted to this thread because I saw an inaccurate definition of a scientific fact. Other than that you guys believe what you want. There are very few people you can dissuade from their core beliefs. Typing about it doesn't convince anyone. Keep typing, I have my view of things and I don't expect anyone to believe or get any inspiration by what I might say. Rodney King was a great prophet when he said, "Can't we all just get along"....


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