welcome CrazyChris

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Has Left the Room - Banned from VTCOA!
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone. Please welcome Chris from Crazy Horse to the club. Maybe he will update everybody on the faster than stink thread!!!!

mcrodney said:
Hello everyone. Please welcome Chris from Crazy Horse to the club. Maybe he will update everybody on the faster than stink thread!!!!

Hey McMoFo :D We already have a KrazyKris Bastage here....He needs to change his name like Prince did :D Prolly to a enormous Phallic symbol :dontknow: :D
Thanks Rodney. I posted a reply to faster than stink. I hope it clears up the confusion. there may be more than one Crazy Chris but I'm the original!!! I was given my name for a reason and I will never change it.....

Edited - Welcome to the forum, Please contact us regarding any advertising.
Thanks! RedSrt007
CrazyChris said:
Thanks Rodney. I posted a reply to faster than stink. I hope it clears up the confusion. there may be more than one Crazy Chris but I'm the original!!! I was given my name for a reason and I will never change it.....

Edited - Welcome to the forum, Please contact us regarding any advertising.
Thanks! RedSrt007
Maybe become a supporting vendor or asking the site owner if it was ok to advertise would have been in order :confused: :D
OH ya Mcrodney. Nice shark. If you are ever in NJ and want to go out fishing my friend and I just caught a 90lb 5 foot blue shark last week.
CrazyChris said:
OH ya Mcrodney. Nice shark. If you are ever in NJ and want to go out fishing my friend and I just caught a 90lb 5 foot blue shark last week.
Sell the meat and become a supporting vendor :rock:
Welcome Crazy Chris!! I didnt see a response on the stinker thread...:dontknow: i'm curious to know the details
TheMoparConnection said:
Welcome Crazy Chris!! I didnt see a response on the stinker thread...:dontknow: i'm curious to know the details
I am curious why your avi has supporting vendor on it and his does not :confused: But he has Meat :D
CrazyChris said:
Thanks Rodney. I posted a reply to faster than stink. I hope it clears up the confusion. there may be more than one Crazy Chris but I'm the original!!! I was given my name for a reason and I will never change it.....

Edited - Welcome to the forum, Please contact us regarding any advertising.
Thanks! RedSrt007.....
I dont see that reply anywhere...:dontknow: You have 2 posts and both here...:dontknow:
TheSickness said:
Sell the meat and become a supporting vendor :rock:
relax he didnt come here to advertise. he came here to clear up what another member posted about him racing his reg cab at the track with pics and times. give him a chance to settle in and look around and make sure he likes it here. i didnt feel it was my place to pass on the info i recieved as i know how you all like it straight from the horses mouth. everyone that read the 'faster than stink' thread already knows who he is, what he does, and where he is located. im sure if he sticks around, once he sees the advantage to becoming a supporting vendor, he will have no problem becoming such.

how are you btw?
Welkome CrazyChris....I'll let the apparent stealing of my name slide for now....after all, I kinda just got the name somehow.:D:D:D

Yours Truly,
Doing Crappy tonight actually but thanks for asking McMofo :D I appologize to Chris if I was outta bounds...But it sure looked like he was trying to get one past me ;) :D Not on my watch LOLOOOL:D
mcrodney said:
i didnt feel it was my place to pass on the info i recieved as i know how you all like it straight from the horses mouth.
Around here it is more like straight from the horses ass .............. :p :p :D ;)
Ok so I'm new to the Forum and I hit post reply not quick reply when I replied. That was my mistake. I posted my reply now and I checked it's up there. Since everyone was so nice in welcoming me I will give a half price dyno to anyone from the site if they mention this post (Mickey that one is for you :) ) Anyway, I don't want to start trouble I'm just messin around. If I get enough response from you guys I will become a supporting member and vendor until then keep in touch... and thanks for the warm welcome. And Mike if your in jersey stop by and I'll show you my meat!
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