Why an Owners Association?


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May 19, 2006
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As we build a relation ship with SRT and the Viper owners, for the most part, we will be working with the local clubs and not the National Organization. It has been expressed that it's up to the local clubs to determine involvement. Ohio Viper Club has been outstanding in welcoming Viper Trucks to their events.

The idea, is to put in place a Viper Truck leadership team that can work with the local clubs to facilitate combined events with the local Viper Clubs and SRT Representative that are at those events. This will help prevent Viper Club presidents from answering the same question over and over from a Viper Truck guy and build a relationship without being a pest.

Jay is probably our best assest in Ohio. I'm sure Jay can pas on what he learns as he has made some very good contacts (sorry, I can't say who)

I know most of the Mods on the VOA and that helps me a bit

As I learn more, I will post up

Besides a section on the VOA forum it looks like the majority of the members want it it be a car only club and still think our trucks were just a 1500 with a viper motor dropped in(I believe there was a little more to it than that) so I think we should look into our own owners association.
Besides a section on the VOA forum it looks like the majority of the members want it it be a car only club and still think our trucks were just a 1500 with a viper motor dropped in(I believe there was a little more to it than that) so I think we should look into our own owners association.

I'm starting to agree, and the talk has been started.
Besides a section on the VOA forum it looks like the majority of the members want it it be a car only club and still think our trucks were just a 1500 with a viper motor dropped in(I believe there was a little more to it than that) so I think we should look into our own owners association.

I'm starting to agree, and the talk has been started.

I agree Chris, some seem to be for it but I believe they are not interested in including us. Which is fine by me, but when it comes time to be a Viper owner I most likely won't join either. And yes, the conversation is under way in making an owner's association a reality.
Besides a section on the VOA forum it looks like the majority of the members want it it be a car only club and still think our trucks were just a 1500 with a viper motor dropped in(I believe there was a little more to it than that) so I think we should look into our own owners association.

But on the other hand there is a lot of the car owners that seem to think its a good idea and have no issue with it. If they do a poll and let everyone vote, that will be the deciding factor.
I do believe we need to start getting better organized and form our own owners association even if we are accepted in with the Viper car owners.
WHEN i get a viper, i will start my own club....Fat guy in a little coat...Whos in???


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Thanks guys I really think these beasts need to get back into mainstream media somehow, maybe that will change the value of them too. I was going to wait to say anything until I got a response but I haven't yet but I emailed Wayne Carrini at F40 motor sports in CT last week about possibly doing a small feature on his show(Chasing Classic Cars) on the SRT10 with the introduction of the new Viper, he's not that far from me but I'm still awaiting a response, I'm thinking the trucks may be too "new" for that type of show but I'm trying....
WHEN i get a viper, i will start my own club....Fat guy in a little coat...Whos in???

As long as your club logo does not involve cylindrical meat.

My mind has slowly been changing on Viper car ownership. Not sure I want to be put in the catagory with some of the Viper owners. Having the rep of being a arrogant, snobby a-hole when your not, just because you own a Viper.
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Thanks guys I really think these beasts need to get back into mainstream media somehow, maybe that will change the value of them too. I was going to wait to say anything until I got a response but I haven't yet but I emailed Wayne Carrini at F40 motor sports in CT last week about possibly doing a small feature on his show(Chasing Classic Cars) on the SRT10 with the introduction of the new Viper, he's not that far from me but I'm still awaiting a response, I'm thinking the trucks may be too "new" for that type of show but I'm trying....

Its a good idea. I watch his show frequently and he always has a handful of newer cars either on the lot of in the shop.
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As long as your club logo does not involve cylindrical meat.

My mind has slowly been changing on Viper car ownership. Not sure I want to be put in the catagory with some of the Viper owners. Having the rep of being a arrogant, snobby a-hole when your not, just because you own a Viper.

Same way i feel trying to push out (trucks) into being a part of the viper (car) association...Not sure i want the rep of being the punk ass ram truck owners...even tho the 5-6 guys ive met in person were great guys...:dontknow:
Same way i feel trying to push out (trucks) into being a part of the viper (car) association...Not sure i want the rep of being the punk ass ram truck owners...even tho the 5-6 guys ive met in person were great guys...:dontknow:

Punk ass? According to a few over there we are red necks who can only drive in a straight line and only do burn outs in Walmarts parking lot. lol
Good to wake up to see some thoughtful posts on the direction of the RAM SRT-10. I've been avoiding a question till now.

Who out there would like to help us build the VTCoA and the VToA?


We have set up a board to help answer some of those questions. We have considered a number of items. First and for most, we need a few folks that are willing to be more than just members and be in charge. We just don't know who out there has the commitment, drive and dedication.

The hope would be, someone that is active with their RAM SRT-10

Let us know

Same way i feel trying to push out (trucks) into being a part of the viper (car) association...Not sure i want the rep of being the punk ass ram truck owners...even tho the 5-6 guys ive met in person were great guys...:dontknow:

I think you misunderstood my comment. I meant about owning a car.
Trying to join the trucks with the Viper owners association in the overall big picture is and would possibly be the best thing to happen with keeping these trucks alive.
Good to wake up to see some thoughtful posts on the direction of the RAM SRT-10. I've been avoiding a question till now.

Who out there would like to help us build the VTCoA and the VToA?


We have set up a board to help answer some of those questions. We have considered a number of items. First and for most, we need a few folks that are willing to be more than just members and be in charge. We just don't know who out there has the commitment, drive and dedication.

The hope would be, someone that is active with their RAM SRT-10

Let us know

Wasnt that what the regional reps were for?
Why not focus on bringing the VIPER TRUCK CLUB OF AMERICA into the spot light, instead of being the club within a club....
I think you misunderstood my comment. I meant about owning a car.
Trying to join the trucks with the Viper owners association in the overall big picture is and would possibly be the best thing to happen with keeping these trucks alive.

What I think could ultimately happen would be a revival of a true performance truck from Mopar if they see the SRT10 (which is approaching 10 years old) is still alive and well and has a following. From that, can a new SRT10 be built? I can dream right?

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