As we build a relation ship with SRT and the Viper owners, for the most part, we will be working with the local clubs and not the National Organization. It has been expressed that it's up to the local clubs to determine involvement. Ohio Viper Club has been outstanding in welcoming Viper Trucks to their events.
The idea, is to put in place a Viper Truck leadership team that can work with the local clubs to facilitate combined events with the local Viper Clubs and SRT Representative that are at those events. This will help prevent Viper Club presidents from answering the same question over and over from a Viper Truck guy and build a relationship without being a pest.
Jay is probably our best assest in Ohio. I'm sure Jay can pas on what he learns as he has made some very good contacts (sorry, I can't say who)
I know most of the Mods on the VOA and that helps me a bit
As I learn more, I will post up
The idea, is to put in place a Viper Truck leadership team that can work with the local clubs to facilitate combined events with the local Viper Clubs and SRT Representative that are at those events. This will help prevent Viper Club presidents from answering the same question over and over from a Viper Truck guy and build a relationship without being a pest.
Jay is probably our best assest in Ohio. I'm sure Jay can pas on what he learns as he has made some very good contacts (sorry, I can't say who)
I know most of the Mods on the VOA and that helps me a bit
As I learn more, I will post up