Wish me Luck

Borden's SRT said:
Thanks, all the prayers are appreciated very much. With everything coming out that's all I can do now is keep the faith. I do know I am a good man and an excellent father, and I hope the courts recognize it.

Screw the courts...know it in your heart Steve, regardless of the outcome, that your a great father. Long after the judgement your daughter will know that this is true, and that will prevail for the rest of her life.
I know that the X does not deserve a cent for what she has done...and to be rewarded for such actions is sickening...but as stated above...and long after any decision...you will still be "measured" by your daughter...for the father that you are today. (not sure that came out right... I'm still on the bean:coffee:)
Your in continued thoughts and prayers, that judgement goes your way.
Hang in there.
Good Luck Man
Steve we are pullin for you. It will all work out in the end.

Regardless the outcome of the custody hearing...every day will be a little better.

You have been a mature and thoughtful man during this ugly process...your brain has been showing, keep it functioning and suppress the emotional reactions.

You are in our prayers.
Steve just called me while he was still in the parking lot of the court house...

It wasn't good, but I will let him tell the tale.

I will continue to pray for this to get worked out the way it should be...
Thanks everybody...... Dont know what happened, but for now I am forced to move out until the final atleast, jiont custody with visitation every othere weekend, and I get to take her to karate every other week. Just not fair.......:mad:
Anyone close enough to drive to Kings Bay to take Steve to dinner?

Hang tough fella...we are here...you have my number.

Good Luck, Steve....

Remember that all things work together for good....... Eventually....

Be strong and at peace..... You'll get thru this....

God be with you...

I am a firm believer of what goes around comes around, so who knows what happens later in life......

Anyone wanna buy a house?:(
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. We might not know it now but later in life you will be able to look back and see where the path was meant to go. So dont focus on the negative just learn from it, make a decision to better your self and you daughters lives with whatever the outcome might be. I know you are a good man but only you & God know your heart. Find peace in knowing you are the better man and live each day as if it your last! Prayers for you and your family!

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