X Metal Engineering

Tony Sawyer please read this

I know I wouldn't piss on Gary if he was on fire :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Took me unfortunately almost 2 years and one dude I considered to be a great friend's friendship to see what was really going on. I supported Gary more ardently then anyone on this site. I could never believe a Marine would be without honor. This is the very foundation Marines are built upon. I took him at his word, I supported him, I believed him and ultimately found out the hard way that not everyone that was a Marine has honor...Actually he was the first Marine that I would personally shoot if had the chance. I know what I am saying does not strike a cord with everyone here...But I hope it does with Stinker.

I know you said it's water under the bridge and we are cool...But it does not feel that way. While I have apologized a few times through PM to you I now what to make it public....I couldn't be more sorry for the things I said and did during all of that Bud...I was wrong and I am man enough to admit that for everyone to see...Stink we have not so much as spoke to one another in over 3 years now and it truly bugs me. I understand that you maybe so hurt by my actions that you don't want to have anything to do with me at all and I cant find fault with you on it. You and I were very close at one time and that's why I brought up that old thread from when we left the other site...Hoping that you just might respond to it in some way. You haven't as of this date. I value you and yours and Joanne's friendship very much and that is why I am reaching out to you here and now.

I was a fool and I took things too far...But since you started your business I have also tried through PM's to many to support you in anyway I possibly can. I stay off of tech threads as I have nothing to offer anyone in that area. If things are as you truly said to me they are please at some point call me when you ain't so darn busy and my grandest hope is that we both can once again be true friends as we once were....Cause I Love you very much Bro....Sorry to chunk the thread guys but I know he will at least look here and maybe just maybe read what I wrote.....So sorry buddy truly :(
mauiSRT/10 said:
Its a shame isnt it Jeff?

Not Jeff, but it seems like a bad soap opera fed by a couple of instigating assholes. My.02 cents:(
includemeout said:
Not Jeff, but it seems like a bad soap opera fed by a couple of instigating assholes. My.02 cents:(
Hey Jerry they have the right to say what they want if they feel they have been screwed....Just as you and I would my friend. Gary has cut his own throat with people by his propensity to Bullshit his way around and through people. I have found out so much stuff he has done over the past couple years and if I am not on his Bandwagon anymore that has gotta tell you something...Read my post above :D I know I'ma instigating asshole but that is also my charm...BTW I wanna call ya later will you be home or are you going to get a finger transplant :p
TheSickness said:
Hey Jerry they have the right to say what they want if they feel they have been screwed....Just as you and I would my friend. Gary has cut his own throat with people by his propensity to Bullshit his way around and through people. I have found out so much stuff he has done over the past couple years and if I am not on his Bandwagon anymore that has gotta tell you something...Read my post above :D I know I'ma instigating asshole but that is also my charm...BTW I wanna call ya later will you be home or are you going to get a finger transplant :p
Your dime:marchmellow: :marchmellow:
TheSickness said:
Ain't it always lol cheap bastage :p What time does D get home :D
About 10PM I guess:dontknow: , I don't wait up anymore.
TheSickness said:
Well your old that's understandable you need your nappy tyme :D
Nope just wait for the snooring then I go back to work.
mosrt10 said:
Justin uses Joe of "performance by joe". I use him myself he rocks:rock: :rock: hes a member here, you can look up his profile.

Call me before using PBJ

Jack 619-444-2360
TheSickness said:
I know I wouldn't piss on Gary if he was on fire :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Took me unfortunately almost 2 years and one dude I considered to be a great friend's friendship to see what was really going on. I supported Gary more ardently then anyone on this site. I could never believe a Marine would be without honor. This is the very foundation Marines are built upon. I took him at his word, I supported him, I believed him and ultimately found out the hard way that not everyone that was a Marine has honor...Actually he was the first Marine that I would personally shoot if had the chance. I know what I am saying does not strike a cord with everyone here...But I hope it does with Stinker.

I know you said it's water under the bridge and we are cool...But it does not feel that way. While I have apologized a few times through PM to you I now what to make it public....I couldn't be more sorry for the things I said and did during all of that Bud...I was wrong and I am man enough to admit that for everyone to see...Stink we have not so much as spoke to one another in over 3 years now and it truly bugs me. I understand that you maybe so hurt by my actions that you don't want to have anything to do with me at all and I cant find fault with you on it. You and I were very close at one time and that's why I brought up that old thread from when we left the other site...Hoping that you just might respond to it in some way. You haven't as of this date. I value you and yours and Joanne's friendship very much and that is why I am reaching out to you here and now.

I was a fool and I took things too far...But since you started your business I have also tried through PM's to many to support you in anyway I possibly can. I stay off of tech threads as I have nothing to offer anyone in that area. If things are as you truly said to me they are please at some point call me when you ain't so darn busy and my grandest hope is that we both can once again be true friends as we once were....Cause I Love you very much Bro....Sorry to chunk the thread guys but I know he will at least look here and maybe just maybe read what I wrote.....So sorry buddy truly :(

I could prob tell ya a few tales even you dont know about bud unfortunatly:eek:
guys lost trucks, almost wives....ruined credit........goes on and on:argh: :argh:

he is the reason i even started doing what I am doing, but thats as far as I need to take that;)

We are fine bud, thansk for the post tho, but honestly I dont hardly have time for momma anymore:eek: i think thats why she is starting to help a little.

staying up until 3-4 am, talking to west coasters, trying to get the stuff yuns want and need, then there is Eddie:argh: :p
and then having to run a couple weeks outta the month, and honestly this whole year has been a bust due to fiberglass:eek: constant calls, people bitching, which for some reason they really havent told the truth on there hoods:eek: but hopefully now that most of the guys are handled, things will look up, I can get back to calling some of my buds like you and viperjeff whom actually kept me from closing the doors:)
I aint crying, its my dirty ass and i got to wipe it:D

i jsut truly hope I never ever see a thread like this about my company, i would probably have to shoot myself from embarrasment:argh:
Stinker said:
I could prob tell ya a few tales even you dont know about bud unfortunatly:eek:
guys lost trucks, almost wives....ruined credit........goes on and on:argh: :argh:

he is the reason i even started doing what I am doing, but thats as far as I need to take that;)

We are fine bud, thansk for the post tho, but honestly I dont hardly have time for momma anymore:eek: i think thats why she is starting to help a little.

staying up until 3-4 am, talking to west coasters, trying to get the stuff yuns want and need, then there is Eddie:argh: :p
and then having to run a couple weeks outta the month, and honestly this whole year has been a bust due to fiberglass:eek: constant calls, people bitching, which for some reason they really havent told the truth on there hoods:eek: but hopefully now that most of the guys are handled, things will look up, I can get back to calling some of my buds like you and viperjeff whom actually kept me from closing the doors:)
I aint crying, its my dirty ass and i got to wipe it:D

i jsut truly hope I never ever see a thread like this about my company, i would probably have to shoot myself from embarrasment:argh:
I am glad you took the time to read it Tony....I mean it. I can't see this type of thread ever starting bout your company Tony...You ain't built like that. It takes a special kinda Som Bitch to look you in the eye and call you friend and then turn around and stab you in the back. To me it shows no class or honor. I would never do that to one of my customers let alone someone I called a friend :mad: This whole thing makes me so angry that he hurt people like that and continues to work in Hennessey type fashion.

I just might pay Gary a visit one day and discuss a few things with him....This same person also cost me a friendship with Mike Brady I think :mad: I am just so angry bout all of this I am beside myself....I will formulate a plan just like I did with the other idiot from the NFF....

If you need anything Stank just ask......I will continue to help promote your business as well and thank you for being a stand up guy and a honest source for info and products for these wonderful beasts :rock:
This guy was a crook , i am glad that he left the vtcoa .

He owes me money too ! :mad:
TheSickness said:
I am glad you took the time to read it Tony....I mean it. I can't see this type of thread ever starting bout your company Tony...You ain't built like that. It takes a special kinda Som Bitch to look you in the eye and call you friend and then turn around and stab you in the back. To me it shows no class or honor. I would never do that to one of my customers let alone someone I called a friend :mad: This whole thing makes me so angry that he hurt people like that and continues to work in Hennessey type fashion.

I just might pay Gary a visit one day and discuss a few things with him....This same person also cost me a friendship with Mike Brady I think :mad: I am just so angry bout all of this I am beside myself....I will formulate a plan just like I did with the other idiot from the NFF....

If you need anything Stank just ask......I will continue to help promote your business as well and thank you for being a stand up guy and a honest source for info and products for these wonderful beasts :rock:

I read everything on here Mike, so dont think i dont, I jsut may not respond like I used to;)

But just let it roll off ya back, I have learned it does no good to do anything, it jsut gets ya upset, all you can do is jsut let it go an learn from it:)
Stinker said:
I read everything on here Mike, so dont think i dont, I jsut may not respond like I used to;)

But just let it roll off ya back, I have learned it does no good to do anything, it jsut gets ya upset, all you can do is jsut let it go an learn from it:)
kiss ass!
Stinker said:
I read everything on here Mike, :)

what peeps from the carolinas can read :D next thing you will be telling me people in nigeria, africa have computers and are not crooks:D

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