Ban Who?

I was jokin. There was a thread the other day about people callin our trucks Viper trucks. You prolly didn't see it. Wasn't takin a stab LOL

way to lay down and take that one to the face...

the correct response would have been fuck you and your viper truck... it's a ram SRT-10 and i don't give a fuck what you think... get lost you troll!!!!

and then wait a little bit .... like get coffee or a beer ... and then come back like 6 posts later and say "Oh yeah, WADR, and put one of these in there: :D
Last edited:
That point is valid that there are cheaper options. Point taken. Now factor in the parts used and craftsmanship to put together the V1R bars. I like the fact that we have choices and as long as we are comparing apples to apples then I agree with your point.

P.S the 4 link on my truck which you have all seen only cost a slight bit more than the traction bars, and they were made with the best stuff you can get, all lazer cut etc..
way to lay down and take that one to the face...

the correct response would have been fuck you and your viper truck... it's a ram SRT-10 and i don't give a fuck what you think... get lost you troll!!!!

and then wait a little bit .... like get coffee or a beer ... and then come back like 6 posts later and say "Oh yeah, WADR, and put one of these in there: :D)

I'm not always in a defensive mode. But I will use that next time. :top:
way to lay down and take that one to the face...

the correct response would have been fuck you and your viper truck... it's a ram SRT-10 and i don't give a fuck what you think... get lost you troll!!!!

and then wait a little bit .... like get coffee or a beer ... and then come back like 6 posts later and say "Oh yeah, WADR, and put one of these in there: :D)

I read the first line and a half and thought, "Dan forgot to say WADR". Then I read the rest and LOL'd. :D
caltracs only make you go straighter...

long bars just look funny and sound funny... and marginally help you...

everyone get a 4 link!!!!! it's the rage!!

fuck it... i'm going to build an IRS kit with a ford 9...
A note to V1R.
Jeff is not a business owner/Vendor here. From the outside looking in (those who don't know either of you) your responses and requests for bans could turn future buyers away. The high road isnt travelled much, especially here. We shouldn't hold a vendor to a higher standard than a regular member but unfortunately some will. Sometimes ignoring things is the best solution.

Trussman makes a vaild point .. but then my response to him is well this forum would not be nearly as fun with out all this fighting lol.. its just so entertaining... what would we do with our self in between meetings at work if we did not have all this low-roa traveling :).. lol.. :D:D:D
Quit being a bitch and playing games. If you have something to add, add it.

Here it is:

Brandon Spenard Lol
Yesterday at 6:05pm via mobile · Like
Jeffery Boyette yeah, it went right where I thought it would.
Yesterday at 8:29pm via mobile · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel Nothing but good has come from Scott so I'm puzzled as to where this is coming from. What happened?
Yesterday at 8:59pm via mobile · Like
Vten Ado If you really would have read the posts about his exhaust, you would know where the snakebite exhaust is being built. You expect a shop, a perfect website and fully detailed info on manufacturer of all the bits and pieces ? Try this on other vendor sites and you will find out that not everyone is as perfect as you would expect. Dont know you, but the thread really doesnt look like coming from an interested customer than someone looking for a war of words.....
23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Jeffery Boyette I did read his posts... all of them. Unless you have visibility on some thread I dont, there is nothing anywhere with information about the mufflers. Why dont you link this wealth of knowledge only you are aware of for us here and on the thread. In the meantime keep your smart ass and derogatory comments off my personal facebook wall. Because you dont know me, and having never spoken to me, posting your shit I just deleted makes you come off as the troll you are accusing me of being.
18 hours ago via mobile · Like
Vten Ado There is nothing more than you read, just something more that can be seen, if you would open your eyes. Shop that makes the whole exhaust for Scott is in the background seen in some of the photos. By the way, dont start a rumble in the jungle with people you dont know.
17 hours ago via mobile · Like
Brandon Spenard Maybe his warranty policy is listed on his website. Did you check his website Jeff? Oh wait....
15 hours ago via mobile · Like
Dale Frederick Jeff, It aint worth wasting the energy!
12 hours ago · Like · 1
Jeffery Boyette Dale, there is no energy wasted. What is right, is right. The guy fucked with me. Days earlier he modified my post and others, in his thread to make it seem like we supported a product after he was getting called out by the original creator for stealing it and making out like it was his own material. When I requested to administration (Shaggy) to have my falsified statement removed and explained the reasoning, I was ignored without a response. Shaggy isnt going to bite the hand that feeds him. That's understandable.

But yesterday while I sought information about his muffler, he maliciously witheld information to protect his scheme, and simultaniously badmouthed another vendor for stealing his ideas for profit. Simple research revealed how he was fucking people with overpriced shitty produc. I would let the hypocracy go had it not directly affected me, but its time his bullshit get put on the table. And now that it has.... Im done. Not even mad about it.
11 hours ago · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel I'm always the type to listen to both sides. In this case I think the approach in dealing with this matter was wrong. I firmly believe that someone should have conclusive proof of wrong doings before attacking any business publicly. If your assumptions are right then I'd be with you on this but without proof it's a witch hunt. Do you or anybody you know have this exhaust system? If so then it wouldn't be hard to figure out right.
11 hours ago · Like
Dale Frederick I got ya! I have sent Shaggy a number of messages, in the past, and have never gotten a response. I don't hang out on those forums much anymore, not like I used to. To much bullshit
11 hours ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Vladimir Michel, the approach was on multiple fronts. All bullshit aside, I wanted his muffler because I liked the soundclips and everyone knows im rebuilding my exhaust. In one of the videos I saw that it looked like a poor quality flowmaster knockoff. I asked him questions about the product concerned about quality and longevity in this environment, because it was listed nowhere, and he didnt respond. When he did, he danced around the bush, and avoided answered questions that would incriminate him.

When a dealership is trying to sell you a car they have told you little about, and you see a better one for cheaper... there is nothing wrong with giving the dealer the opportunity to explain why his car is worth the extra money. When I presented scott with this, I instead got belittled. At that point, 3 times disrespected by him, I took the gloves off and put everything on the table.
10 hours ago · Like
Tony Sawyer you know I wish a lot of mine folks had approached it differently, strange thing is , they seem to enjoy screwing with me, and let it ride
10 hours ago · Like
Dale Frederick Jeff, have you looked at Spintech mufflers? I looked at them a while back. They have a badass sound. I decided to save my money and stick with my Magnaflows.
8 hours ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Funny you say so Dale. I have actually talked to the owner on a few occasions and he has offered to build me a custom muffler with a thicker stainless steel with the spacing between the dual in dual out to my specifications. The specification i have, is the width/spacing that the magnaflow muffler back is, The goal being, to replace the busted magnaflow can, and keep the rest of the mandrel bent pipe. I told him i wanted it as deep and loud as possible, and he said he could accomodate at no extra charge.
8 hours ago · Like
Vladimir Michel Jeff the point here is that you are making a claim that's he's doing fraudulent business practices without any credible evidence on your part. Only suspicions. That's just wrong plain and simple. If you make these types of accusations be prepared to make a solid case for it. Just my .02
4 hours ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Listen jackass... if him changing my words isnt fraudulent to you then you too need to get your head out of your ass and your mouth off his dick!
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel You're a class act aren't you. I feel sorry for you
3 hours ago via mobile · Like
Tony Sawyer amazing how one side of the united states thinks and sees things vs the other
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel Either you have an intelligent conversation based on facts or you can have a high school cafeteria conversation based on rumors. I'm on the fact based conversation. Old school I guess. If your going to call someone out have the goods to back it up. Otherwise it's rumor.
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Tony Sawyer he called him out on changing a few posts to be viewed the way he wanted, that is a fact, on the other, everyone uses others products, one has to be careful on the way they represent there items,many items are duplicated, catch cans, bling items, duplicated every day, just like mufflers and long bars, same item, different person, different cost. some see things with blinders , some can see the big picture, to me don't matter either way, take care of myself and my customers, that's good enough for me.,
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel Good points Tony and I agree with the post editing issue. The other points are also valid that you are saying as well. People copy other peoples ideas all the time and usually put their own spin to make it a little better than the previous one. That's the American way. There is also character issues here. Call someone out on something back it up properly don't just run your mouth. This is my whole issue with this. I'd back Jeff out as well if the situation was reversed .
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Tony Sawyer I am actually not "backing" anyone , just remembering the way my situations were treated back then, and in present, totally different the way things are put today vs yesterday.
2 hours ago · Like
Vladimir Michel Even back then I asked you you call me for your side of the story in addition to the pm's. You never called so I left it alone. Still lots of unresolved issues for me and many other people than could have easily been resolved by intelligent conversation. As far as this current situation goes it's just a witch hunt without proven facts. If Scott has done anything fraudulent I'll be the first to address it.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like
Tony Sawyer on "that" incident I am held by my lawyers not to discuss anything until completed, and have learned to listen to them.But if you want the true deal, you should speak with someone that was there, everyone was withing 4 feet, and it def aint whats been told. But I am speaking more of the way things were treated as a vendor, folks ask us to do something , we came up with a fix, but there, they would tear it and me apart to the smallest degree, not for a few post, but pages, and days, weeks, now.....its don't disrespect the people that support the forum, honestly the place is a joke. With a few that "run" the place, the worst part is the fine people that want to learn and have choices, there they don't, its this way , or well, get the hell out. I still get calls weekly about I was here but it turned into an im an idiot thread, so can you help me? and that's a shame, a shame that something that started so good, has been turned into what it is today. Today its well, it don't really matter, things are good and my boys are happy, that's what matters on my end, that folks are taken care of and get the things they need.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Jeffery Boyette vladimir you are such a tool. see the thing is, I dont care if you take my side or his. I never asked for your backing or opinion and neither did he. That itself is the fundamental problem. You are just like every other bitch on that forum. So quick to jump on whatever bandwagon is the most popular. You are just want to voice your opinion and pick a side to be right in the middle of shit that you have no part in. Why you feel the need to have a stance and input in it, much less your joke of an attempt to be a mediator in it is beyond me. Seems you should do a little more reading and research while keeping your nose out of shit that doesnt pertain to you.
about an hour ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
Vladimir Michel Jeff think about what you just said and let it sit for a little bit. I'll give you a chance to apologize for your rude behavior. Please do not resort to name calling. You should be ashamed of yourself. Stick to what the conversation is about in a respectful way or this conversation will end. As far as it being my business....... It is my since you posted it on public forum(s). You haven't backed up any of your accusations and resort to name calling when you were asked to prove your case. Please reconsider your position on this.
57 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Jeffery Boyette Lmao, fuck what I just said, I meant it. I did however take a minute to think about what you just said. To my delight, I read it in my russian friend Yuri's voice and it was hilarious. Where do you west coast bitches come up with this shit? "You think about what you've done and ill let you apologize." That is Gold man. Epic! I am truly unsure if you are some demented psycho that sucked titty until grade school or if this is your badass sense of humor. Either way you entertain the hell out of me and I can't wait to hear what you come out with next. "Think real hard about what you've done, young man" I fucking love it!
22 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Vladimir Michel Jeff this conversation is now over with you.
20 minutes ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Awww damnit Vladimir, all this time I never gave a fuck about conversation with you and now that you fascinate me with that shit you go and end our friendship so abruptly! Damn shame you have to head off and find another argument to pick sides on.... we just started having fun.
17 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Vladimir Michel Tony if you'd like to talk you have my number, if not that's ok too.
14 minutes ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Man I can picture saying this while sticking your chin up in the air and strutting out of the party all sassy like a ******.
10 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Originally Posted by caveman
Doubtful. My wife just bought us new flannel sheets and I've slept like a rock, for the last three nights! :D

i know, right!!!!


Im sure it was more than the flannel sheets that helped ya sleep like a rock lol.. Caveman taken care of business lol..
Trussman makes a vaild point .. but then my response to him is well this forum would not be nearly as fun with out all this fighting lol.. its just so entertaining... what would we do with our self in between meetings at work if we did not have all this low-roa traveling :).. lol.. :D:D:D

Shoot. As far as my entertainment is concerned I say throw down. But speaking for myself, if I roll up somewhere to buy something and the known owner isn't conducting himself proffessionally I will go elsewhere.
Here it is:

Brandon Spenard Lol
Yesterday at 6:05pu are just want to voice your opinion and pick a side to be right in the middle of shit that you have no part in. Why you feel the need to have a stance and input in it, much less your joke of an attempt to be a mediator in it is beyg. You should be ashamed of yourself. Stick to what the conversation is about in a respectful way or this conversation will end. As far as it being my businle · Like
Vladimir Michel Tony if you'd like to talk you have my number, if not that's ok too.
14 minutes ago · Like
Jeffery Boyette Man I can picture saying this while sticking your chin up in the air and strutting out of the party all sassy like a ******.
10 minutes ago via mobile · Like

can we get a version of this " cliffnote style" down to something like this lol .. there is no way anyone is gonna get threw that mess..
Whats really happening here is Scott has a couple buddies who will bend over and take it all day long every day of the week and will support him no matter what , no matter what product be it a valid product or a big old pot of snake oil. ive heard the term passed around " Snake oil racing" again not my term but a good one...

Scott has put together some traction bars that are probably a good set up and work but there it not a chance in hell that they are worth the money hes asking, But many fall into the charming posts and bite the bullet on something that only costs 1/4 of that, and good for Scott if he can triple his money selling them, thats good business on his end.

But when someone else posts a product that will work just as good if not better, for half the price then the member gets ripped apart and been asked to be bann..

Common now scott we all know your bars are the same as the other bars on the market if not inferior as they have 10/20 years exp to your 10 / 20 weeks of exp.. but yours are 2x the cost...

that is the point jeff made and its an extremely valid point.. he does not need to be ban for making valid points,,,

So aren't you just riding the other side of this? Have you bought anything or had a problem with a single V1R product?

What's funny is how one vendor one here took his ball and went to a new site because he felt people were bashing his product, a bunch if you guys jumped in and said that this isn't right he is a vendor yada yada, now you same guys are bashing a vendor BUT YOU NEVER HAVE BOUGHT A SINGLE FUCKING PRODUCT from the vendor.

Ole douche bag Ken, every time i see one of your post i think to myself, man i hope this guy wrecks his truck into the back of a tractor trailer hauling dildos and gets one lodged in his throat.

Can't wait to see you try to run mile on a dyno:)
So aren't you just riding the other side of this? Have you bought anything or had a problem with a single V1R product?

What's funny is how one vendor one here took his ball and went to a new site because he felt people were bashing his product, a bunch if you guys jumped in and said that this isn't right he is a vendor yada yada, now you same guys are bashing a vendor BUT YOU NEVER HAVE BOUGHT A SINGLE FUCKING PRODUCT from the vendor.

Ole douche bag Ken, every time i see one of your post i think to myself, man i hope this guy wrecks his truck into the back of a tractor trailer hauling dildos and gets one lodged in his throat.

Can't wait to see you try to run mile on a dyno:)

They have the mile on a dyno?? awesome im in where is it.. dude with no wind resistance i bet i can easily do 200mph... world record here i come..

oh and the only problem with the truck full of dildos is they better not be the truck full of dildos that you and scott use on each other,, i want clean dildos dammit..