Burke Rice died Oct-24-09; wanted you all to know

Goodnight, Burke...........

Enjoy the new digs, brother..........

C'ya when we get home........

Man this is just horrible news. Mike I am so sorry you lost your best friend.....its just awful. Burke was so young too. Its sad when someone whom seemed so full of life dies like this. Its just a shame.

Mike please let his family know that he had lots of online buds..........whom are saddened by his passing. If possible can you post a pic of him for us to see.

aloha Burke.......you are missed brother..

Man, this is sad news. It's been a very sad year for the VTCOA with illness and death. Prayers to him, his family and all his friends.
He's in a better place now. RIP Burke.......rest.
wish I coulda had the chance to meet him seems pretty cool. RIP man see ya on the other side!
RIP bro.

Remember again guys and gals to live each day as your last and love your family and friends as you will never see them again.
Thanks for posting Mike. RIP Burke
RIP Burke, you will be missed. Save us a seat on the other side brother.

So young, just a tragedy.
Terrible news.
I loved his video he did. seems like a really fun guy who cared for others and enjoyed life.

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