Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....

What topic was that again?!

I ain't a skeerd!

But it'll prolly have to wait 'til tomorrow, I am near to slumber!!


Mixing dialect is fun!
ntw0rk said:
My Dad got tossed from 8th grade for punching his teacher!:eek: Oh yeah, she was a Nun!!!:eek:

What is it about the nuns that inspires such rabid pugilism....

A good bud of mine got kicked out'a St. Finnabar (Catholic) Academy because he decked about 8 nuns....... No Horseshit.... Eight...!!!!!

He had each of their names etched in his memory and could (to this day) probably still quote them by rote.

In stunning contrast, he's now a devout Mormon who seems quite appalled at his past... He's really a quiet guy these days..... as if he has much (for which) to atone.....

Django said:
What is it about the nuns that inspires such rabid pugilism....

A good bud of mine got kicked out'a St. Finnabar (Catholic) Academy because he decked about 8 nuns....... No Horseshit.... Eight...!!!!!

He had each of their names etched in his memory and could (to this day) probably still quote them by rote.

In stunning contrast, he's now a devout Mormon who seems quite appalled at his past... He's really a quiet guy these days..... as if he has much (for which) to atone.....


That's pretty funny! I am picturing a scene from the Matrix with all of the Mr. Smiths dressed like Nuns!!:rofl::rofl: And your friend is taking them out like Neo!!:rofl::rofl:

Funny how life changes, and changes you.....
ntw0rk said:
That's pretty funny! I am picturing a scene from the Matrix with all of the Mr. Smiths dressed like Nuns!!:rofl::rofl: And your friend is taking them out like Neo!!:rofl::rofl:

Funny how life changes, and changes you.....

Ya, Donnie said that these nuns were really evil, wicked, mean and nasty.....

One of 'em apparently had a cane with a steel rod in it. She took great pleasure in cracking that bad boy across the shins and knees of any offending parties.....

She was making him write something on the blackboard 100 times or some shit..... When he was finished he angrily flipped the last remaining piece of the chalk at her. She jumped up and bashed him across the shins with the cane. So he let 'er have it..... POW...! Right out the fkn window. :dontknow:

It's OK......... They were on the ground floor........:D

But he knocked her out..... :eek: :(

I understand and appreciate the fact that some like to debate. After all, if that weren't the case, we wouldn't have politicians LOL. I guess my reservations come from the standpoint that I try and think of times or situations that my friends and I sit around and harp on our disagreements; it's atypical, at least with my friends. We are very honest and open with each other, but at no time has a diassagreement with my circle of friends turned into a major debate where we look to overly "press" our point.

There are many intellectuals on this site that are more than capable of engaging in a friendly discussion on beliefs. But in my opinion, they choose not to because inevitably, they find themselves trying to defend, defend and defend, until it seems pointless. I recall a recent disagreement with my best friend over religion; which we are on absolute different "sides of the pond". It lasted a total of 10 minutes; he expressed his views, and I mine. It didn't drag out, and neither of us felt that we had to have the last word on the subject.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I guess I don't come to the site with the intent of disagreeing or debating. And it doesn't mean that I can't, due to a lack of intellectual ability or the maturity to do so. Conversations just tend to go much farther than what I'm willing to fight.

D, I can appreciate your desire to disagree civilly. I just think that on this site, history has shown that things get ugly quickly. Maybe this was the sole purpose for your thread, but I think it's a lofty goal.

Hope everyone has a great day, and for those of you that are starting today, a safe trip to Ohio. I'll see you tomorrow.
Django said:
Ya, Donnie said that these nuns were really evil, wicked, mean and nasty.....

One of 'em apparently had a cane with a steel rod in it. She took great pleasure in cracking that bad boy across the shins and knees of any offending parties.....

She was making him write something on the blackboard 100 times or some shit..... When he was finished he angrily flipped the last remaining piece of the chalk at her. She jumped up and bashed him across the shins with the cane. So he let 'er have it..... POW...! Right out the fkn window. :dontknow:

It's OK......... They were on the ground floor........:D

But he knocked her out..... :eek: :(



Similar to my Dad... She wanted him to do a problem on the blackboard that he didn't know the answer to. She boxed his ears, he used her gut as a sparring partner!! (I don't think she even fell, let alone out the window!:eek:)

Go to the Keys for a couple of weeks and miss all the fun!

Radical people are most often the problem... Love the concept of "decriminalization" of Pot...Cigarettes kill over 50,000 non-smokers in the US every year...Really disagree with the concept that If you never tried it you shouldn't comment...Huge numbers of innocent AIDS victims need research to survive...Who cares if gay people are born or made...its their life...(but they are born, who would ever choose to be gay in this world?)

I loath the concept that if you are not Christian/Jew/Moslem/or whatever you are forsaken...that is a human religious concept certainly not a divine idea.

And I loved the hour it took to catch up on this thread.

I am not Christian, not a Jew, nor am I a Moslem...I do love Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha, Gandi and Tommy Chong...I try to gather those attributes that all of these great leaders/teachers have in common...there-in, I believe is the truth...It is always better to focus on what we agree on, before we work on those things that cause disagreement.
Last edited:
Prof said:
Go to the Keys for a couple of weeks and miss all the fun!

Radical people are most often the problem... Love the concept of "decriminalization" of Pot...Cigarettes kill over 50,000 non-smokers in the US every year...Really disagree with the concept that If you never tried it you shouldn't comment...Huge numbers of innocent AIDS victims need research to survive...Who cares if gay people are born or made...its their life...(but they are born, who would ever choose to be gay in this world?)

I loath the concept that if you are not Christian/Jew/Moslem/or whatever you are forsaken...that is a human religious concept certainly not a divine idea.

And I loved the hour it took to catch up on this thread.

I am not Christian, not a Jew, nor am I a Moslem...I do love Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha, Gandi and Tommy Chong...I try to gather those attributes that all of these great leaders/teachers have in common...there-in, I believe is the truth...It is always better to focus on what we agree on, before we work on those things that cause disagreement.

I disagree....

Cheech Marin is better! :p:p

Django said:
Thanks for participating in the discussion....... and the humor is welcome.;)

I'm not sure what happened to the intellectual genepool. But the inability of some human beings to debate without rancor is astounding to me....

The inability for human beings to admit that they really loathe Christians is not so hard to understand. No one wants to admit that they are so predjudiced against Christians and Jews that they are willing to deny them a basic right afford to all Americans under the Constitution...... Free Speech...

Christians piss me off as much as anyone sometimes.... They can be exclusionist, arrogant, back biting elitist snobs.... Some are even racists (Aryan Brotherhood) and others are just plain hateful ...(God Hates gays).... Yes, some Christians have plenty to loathe and revile.

OK, I'll say this....: If someone was to get on this forum and scream some fkd up shit like: "You are all stinking lousy sinners.... You should repent and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior or you'll burn in Hell's everlasting fire...."

Hey, I'd be the first one to tell 'em to STFU............

One more thing:

If big words intimidate you..... or if you think I use them as a means by which to keep you down...... All I can say is "grow the fk up"......;)


Thanks for your input.....a few responses to your points....

The intellectual genepool is suffering because America caters to the lowest common denominator instead of supporting excellence. The genepool also suffers from the ability of individuals to have children that don't have the emotional, intellectual, monetary, nor responsibility means to raise them.

I must have missed the religious intentions of the thread, but I'll share :D - I'm not very religious, but my grandmother took me to church as a small child. It was a small church in a farm community - a busy Sunday was 70 people from miles around - we talked about God, and loving your neighbor, tolerance, forgiveness, and understanding. Most of these people didn't see each other all week, so after the service, everyone hung around for an hour, catching up with family talk and stuff. Churches today seem to be more about singles clubs, Starbucks, and fashion. The same self-proclaimed church supporters are the first people to point a finger, judge, and scorn others, as well as being part of the gossip group.....this hypocrisy (sp?) is why I don't go any longer.

In your example above, why should you tell the guy who screams blasphemy to go "STFU". If we should, in fact, be able to disagree without conflict, couldn't you either ignore their thread or just offer an intellectual response?? :D

Yes, I feel you are trying to keep the Big Perm down with big words....cuse Ima dummy.....and no, I won't grow up :aetsch:
ntw0rk said:
I disagree....

Cheech Marin is better! :p:p


I used to think so too...until Tommy said he would just pull down Paris Hilton's panties and give her a good lickin' that she would never forget...
Prof said:
I believe is the truth...It is always better to focus on what we agree on, before we work on those things that cause disagreement.

I think most would agree with that. Well said.
Prof said:
Go to the Keys for a couple of weeks and miss all the fun!

Radical people are most often the problem... Love the concept of "decriminalization" of Pot...Cigarettes kill over 50,000 non-smokers in the US every year...Really disagree with the concept that If you never tried it you shouldn't comment...Huge numbers of innocent AIDS victims need research to survive...Who cares if gay people are born or made...its their life...(but they are born, who would ever choose to be gay in this world?)

I loath the concept that if you are not Christian/Jew/Moslem/or whatever you are forsaken...that is a human religious concept certainly not a divine idea.

And I loved the hour it took to catch up on this thread.

I am not Christian, not a Jew, nor am I a Moslem...I do love Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha, Gandi and Tommy Chong...I try to gather those attributes that all of these great leaders/teachers have in common...there-in, I believe is the truth...It is always better to focus on what we agree on, before we work on those things that cause disagreement.
Uhht Ohhh, :eek:

The Prof has now arrived in this thread.

Class is now in session.:p
And I have a great idea...in an effort to get Django to the MOPAR Nationals...I am just going to lecture on religion and Hillary until he hops on a jet and arrives to argue with me...I think I can talk non-stop until he arrives to try to save the day!
Prof said:
And I have a great idea...in an effort to get Django to the MOPAR Nationals...I am just going to lecture on religion and Hillary until he hops on a jet and arrives to argue with me...I think I can talk non-stop until he arrives to try to save the day!
I'll throw my 2 cents in.......

HUCK FILLARY! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Your taste in women for illicit purposes is questionable...or maybe you just want to have have sexual relations with a head of state?

Ohhhh...you mean that as a derogatory comment...sorry, I misinterpreted the comment for a moment.;) :D
outnumbered said:
Originally Posted by Prof
I believe is the truth...It is always better to focus on what we agree on, before we work on those things that cause disagreement.

I think most would agree with that. Well said.

Herein lies part of the problem with arguing vs. disagreeing. Most people don't understand the difference.

The difference is feelings. When someone says "I believe" for example, there is real feeling there. This is something that they have learned through personal experience, that is why they believe it, because it's what they know about it. When someone says, "I think", many times this is based on conjecture and heresay, (not always, stay with me here).

In both instances the finish to the statement can be altered through perception. That's where arguing vs disagreeing come into play. In my opinion (ever notice that opinion is Pi in an onion:D), arguing is usually done because one, or both parties want to change the feelings or thoughts of the other. Disagreeing is two people seeing things differently and exchanging their ideas about it, without the intention of changing the others mind. Got it? Still with me?

It is important to remember that one can not usually change the way someone "feels" about something. Feeling is done with the heart, and it takes a lot to change that. On the other hand, present a set of facts, and it is usually fairly easy to change someone's thoughts about something, or even what they "believe" about it, but.... it still might not change their "feelings" about it.

That is not to say that feelings don't change. Certainly your feelings toward your best friend would change if you just found out that they are a child molester, even more so if you have children.

These are the things that I "feel" should be kept in mind if you are to have an amicable diasgreement.

Prof said:
And I have a great idea...in an effort to get Django to the MOPAR Nationals...I am just going to lecture on religion and Hillary until he hops on a jet and arrives to argue with me...I think I can talk non-stop until he arrives to try to save the day!
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

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