I'm bored


VTCoA Ring Leader
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
While looking at cars I can't afford I came across this and thought I would share. I thought the brass knuckles shift knob was pretty neat.

Dodge : Other Custom | eBay
Yea that is pretty sweet looking...what's the actual year of that?
'34 it said in the description
Dude, it's still early in the day. You can't possibly be bored already? :D
It has been slooooow here lately, can't seem to drum up any business either. Everybody wants everything for free and those are the customers I don't want or need.
It has been slooooow here lately, can't seem to drum up any business either. Everybody wants everything for free and those are the customers I don't want or need.

What happened to the days where you could just go throw nails in the street?

I heard when things gets slow for Dan, he just makes up dimensions for our trucks in hopes that he can build bigger garages for people, after they buy a truck.

In all seriousness, slow business makes it hard to afford mods for the '10. Think you'll keep on writing service?
What happened to the days where you could just go throw nails in the street?

I heard when things gets slow for Dan, he just makes up dimensions for our trucks in hopes that he can build bigger garages for people, after they buy a truck.

In all seriousness, slow business makes it hard to afford mods for the '10. Think you'll keep on writing service?

I have heard that about Dan, I will be doing what I'm doing now until my wife finishes school. Once she gets a job I will be opening my own shop with a friend (the guy with the Cobra in my youtube videos) So in the next 3 years I will be out of the dealership, hopefully. :D
starting bid 325k on that mustang!!! incredible build, but damn that's a pricetag!!!

No s@&t sherlock.