let the fun begin

E, if you dont like my pictures, dont look at them. Its really that simple. The bodybuilding thread is not for showing off or trying to scare people. Im amazed thats how you see it. You do realize you started this shit with me right? Youve posted quite a few smart ass comments on my threads, and when I do ONE on yours, you show a level of disrespect I have never encountered before on here. The comments about my wife are completely out of line. I am not on here to act tough or scare people, I really dont see how you get that out of me. Again, if you dont want to see the stuff I post on here, DONT LOOK AT IT. I promise I wont loose any sleep over it. If you are man enough to admit that talking shit about my wife like that was wrong, and apologize, Id love to have a drink with you when you come to SC. If not, then thats just as well.

sorry honey boo boo..I forgot how sensitive these new army guys are...I'm just an asshole sometimes..I won't fuck with you any more...
Hmmm, sounds like a thread that warrants further watching. I never did understand dudes posting up pics of themselves, if that indeed is what started this little military **** fight. What happened and on what thread? :D
Hmmm, sounds like a thread that warrants further watching. I love seeing dudes posting up pics of themselves, if that indeed is what started this little military **** fight. What happened and on what thread? :D
VenumTruck has a "thing" for E. But, E wants VenumTrucks wife, instead of VenumTruck. They've agreed to go out for drinks, after which they will try to "work it out" while working out. That's when someone started posting pictures of the two of them, in the gym, "working it out". The mods quickly deleted the post, but you can probably find screenshots on www.weirdpeopledoingaythingsinthegym.com.
VenumTruck has a "thing" for E. But, E wants VenumTrucks wife, instead of VenumTruck. They've agreed to go out for drinks, after which they will try to "work it out" while working out. That's when someone started posting pictures of the two of them, in the gym, "working it out". The mods quickly deleted the post, but you can probably find screenshots on www.weirdpeopledoingaythingsinthegym.com.

Ha...funny guy...I will make it up to him when I get down there..
Ugh. Guys, enough of this pissing contest. 2 pages of useless garbage!!!

Lets see more pics of your supercharger!
Took some pics today after a wash.. (thanks ralf). I'm gonna start installing some of the stuff this week..I will post some pics as I go.




Looking good E, when is the next GTG?
I just picked up the other parts from the powder coater. I really wanted the charge piping to be polish but some of the scratches on them were a little bit too deep, so I had the powder coater powder coat them Chrome. They dont look too bad but I'll rock them like that for now.:D




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Looking good E, when is the next GTG?
whenever you like we can have a barbecue at my house and you guys can help me finish the install

Probably next month in Colorado Springs. Are you coming? :D
I haven't heard anything from my buddy yet on his leave..if anything I'd rather go during the winter so we can go snowboarding.
whenever you like we can have a barbecue at my house and you guys can help me finish the install

I haven't heard anything from my buddy yet on his leave..if anything I'd rather go during the winter so we can go snowboarding.

I like the sound of both of these!