My 1000hp+ garage

only thing i have in my garage is a john deere 19.5 hp, a stihl weedeater, two stihl chainsaws, a craftsman blower, a 30 gallon and a 60 gallon compressor.....mmmmm

i think that's it...

so that's like a solid 30? :D

the cars sit outside:D....

and i have 800 sq.ft. of shit:D
TNVIPER said: garage has had 1000s of HP in it...
:dontknow: :dontknow:
Venom Power said:
Here’s my roughly 900 hp garage, and that counts the ½ hp door opener (the 5 hp riding lawnmower can’t fit in there)…




But wait! Adding me to the mix, I bet can squeeze out another 0.0125 hp…..

Honestly, this thread started off all wrong. I don’t mind Lightnings being here. I’ve seen some pretty badass L’s. But if Lightning owners are coming here just to start drama, well THAT I cannot agree with, yet they’re still tolerated and welcomed.

At PCB recently a couple came out to the track, put down some serious rubber and we all had a great time. But to come and hang out with us, no that didn’t happen. They even alienated themselves in their little corner at the track. So I can understand the frustration building up around here… Especially when we can’t tread into an SVT forum without being pummeled. It’s like the L religion is a sort of Islamic faith and the Mopar followers are the infidels. If this isn’t so then I’d like to see some L members around here show support (red star) for a forum they also call home instead of spending more time stirring up garbage. And before anyone asks where my red star is, this is the first year I didn’t sport one because of the this sort of crap the admins are letting go un-challenged around here. My member number, time spent here and lack of a need to visit any other forums already prove my allegiance to VTCoA.

Chris no one said you were not welcomed here, but you have to admit your avatar and attitude is like wearing a head wrap and carrying a Russian automatic rifle into a Christian church. Not to mention your crass response to Wes' leak comment when you KNOW damn well that L also stands for “leaks†regarding yours. And if it does then so what? My 10 eventually leaked all her tranny fluid out and that’s why she’s down for now. It’s just a truck. Anybody can own them. Character and humility is what really defines a person….

:argh:Okay, RANT OVER!
As much as I love ya Ant. I gotta disagree a little. I've posted three links from the lightning forum. They were the first three links that I saw that involved SRT owners. And not one of them shoiwed any bashing like what happened in here. And they were started pretty much in the same manner as this one. And as for a red star. How many of our members are contributing members of there forum? :dontknow: This goes both ways. As for drama, sure they've started some. But no more than we've started over on their forum. And as for PCB, yeah they had there tent set up and humg out together. But we also had about five differengt tents set up, with our own little groups seperated from each other. And did anyone invite bobby and his girlfriend back to the Moonspinner, to hang out with us? Not that I know of.:dontknow:
I do agree, that his avatar may start some shit. But if you go into Viper's thread over on their forum. He has a pic of his back windhshield with a sticker on it that says something like RIP SVT. Along with Wade's thread over there showing his tag that actually does say RIP SVT. And those guys took it all in fun and actually cracked a few jokes. All this just backs up your statements about this forum and the direction that it's heading. Again, can anyone say "Viper Alley"?
Back off my soap box. And again Ant, I Love You man. :D
Midnight Runner said:
Just didn't want to go there:dontknow:

You are a man of elevated taste, lots of class and decorum.

And you probably are like me and have a very weak stomach. :(
Prof said:
You are a man of elevated taste, lots of class and decorum.

And you probably are like me and have a very weak stomach. :(

If someone ever does get to the bottom of this please let me know because I seen him on six yeagerbombs and a ton of beer and he didn't do anything that crazy. :D
wesalbert said:
Am I the only one wondering about this pic? :D

its called dont ask dont tell ,,

im more worried about that poor doorway the stress on the wood must have been HUGE:wavey: ,,
wesalbert said:
Am I the only one wondering about this pic? :D

Is that pink man...are you wearing a headband while working out in your house? Most importantly are your door frames reinforced?:aetsch:
Yaaaaa, rrrrright.
Note to self, "don't open this thread up on page 11 ever again".
Troy's QC SRT said:
Most importantly are your door frames reinforced?:aetsch:

Doesn't matter, I heard he is good with home improvments. :D
Now where are those pics.........
iraqivet01 said:
Yaaaaa, rrrrright.
Note to self, "don't open this thread up on page 11 ever again".

I think this post should be made a "Sticky"!
Prof said:
Well, just seems that this site can benefit from the presence of L owners and any other performance vehicles for that matter. Especially if the new members become supporting members so the owners can pay the bandwidth charges and have some leftover from time to time to do maintenance and upgrades.

Trying to chase new people away is just short sighted and counter productive.

I for one welcome all people who like performance can only add to the quality of this forum, and its financial viability.

Maybe in a year or two we could have a SRT 10 / Lightening national gathering...that would be a ball!

Normally I would agree wholeheartedly, however, have you seen this member's previous posts?

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