power shifting

Here you go Chris see if you can time these, I honestly couldn't tell you if I lift or not I just drive and don't think about the shift, I do know if i think too much about it i screw it up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeU-AcqZX40&feature=g-upl]srt10 vs lightning - YouTube[/ame]
Below are the results:

Andy, you average .366 seconds per shift.

Scott, you need to mount your camera in a place it doesn't rattle, or record rattles. Also, your highway runs sound like they were done with the windows down. Lastly, your exhaust "drones" a lot more than the other trucks I analyzed. Basically, it took forever for me to gather good data for your truck. You average .281 seconds per shift.

Jerry, you need to try harder. You only average .18 seconds per shift.

Dan, you have averaged 0.0 seconds per shift since 6/23/12. I suggest you buy another truck so you can try again.

Yours truly averaged .258 seconds per shift. I picked up a full .1 by lifting the center console.

I've got some more interesting things that I learned from the exercise, but I need to get some real work done. I'll post more later.

Which video did you use? That old "shifting video" is from 2006 with a GenIV Xmetal shifter with quite a long throw. I'm a lot quicker now with the new JTS Venom Gen II Shifter.:rock: Leaving on a 5 day vacation.....see you guys next tuesday night!
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Thanks. Justin was actually the one who originally suggested I put the console up. It seems like a no brainer, but I am tall enough that I didn't think it would make a difference. Obviously, I was wrong.

Yep, my shifting is the awesomest!

Post your in-cab shifting video here, bro, and I will measure the shift times.

still won't let it go, i see.......

I was only stating the facts!

Here you go Chris see if you can time these, I honestly couldn't tell you if I lift or not I just drive and don't think about the shift, I do know if i think too much about it i screw it up

Justin, I need an in cab video. The background noise registers too high for me to see what your engine is doing.

I've got some more interesting things that I learned from the exercise, but I need to get some real work done. I'll post more later.

It was very interesting looking at the differences in how each of us shifts. I reduced each of our runs to a sound-wave. Then I identified the shape of our shifts in the wave and measure the duration of that shape. As a group, none of our shifts look similar, but as individuals, all of our shapes are very consistent. Jerry's runs look like a plateau, because the RPM climbs slightly between each shift. Others shifts show that some people are a little quicker on, or off, one pedal quicker than the other. I am the worst about this. It's like me feet are slightly out of time with each other. This causes excessive wheelspin after each shift. And while this won't reflect in my shift time, it will negatively affect my E/T's.

It is easy to see "holes" in the power bands of each of our trucks. They appear as jagged edges in the soundwave. The quality of the video, different exhaust systems, amount of background noise, etc, changes the shape a little, but it is still easily identifiable. I've noted this in the past with my truck and it is very consistent. Basically, my truck doesn't run as well at the top of the powerband. I believe this is why my truck is just as quick shifting at 5200 RPM as it is shifting at 6000 RPM. All of our trucks exhibited this to some extent, accept Jerry's. His truck pulls like a freight train all the way up to the time he shifts. He's posted up very strong dyno numbers in the past and I can see why. His truck simply runs smoother than the rest of ours, especially in the higher RPM range. It would be cool if someone else had identical mods, so we could compare.

The most interesting thing I saw was what I believe is a shortcoming of the clutch system. Every single one of our runs shows us accelerating, shifting, then a bump. You can't hear the bump in any of the runs, but it is there. My theory is that the clutch bounces off the flywheel before setting down hard. This bump takes almost no time, no longer than .05 seconds, but it is there.

If everyone wants to post their current clutch setups, I'll measure the duration of each of our "bumps" so we can do a comparison.

**EDIT for more**
My wife suggested that, I should have listened.

Do it and post the video. I bet you pick up as least as much as I did!

Which video did you use? That old "shifting video" is from 2006 with a GenIV Xmetal shifter with quite a long throw. I'm a lot quicker now with the new JTS Venom Gen II Shifter.:rock: Leaving on a 5 day vacation.....see you guys next tuesday night!

Yep, you were rowing the XMetal shifter in the video I used. Your smooth running engine, combined with very quick shifting make it difficult to measure your times. I'm not even sure if I could measure them with the JTSVP Gen II. But if you grab a video, I would be happy to try.
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I am all stock with the clutch.
Centerforce. How do you account for wheelspin between shifts in your analysis?:dontknow:

I think what Chris is saying is he gets on the gas slightly quicker than releasing the clutch and is building rpm between shifts which is resulting in wheelspin when the clutch is released.

Factory hydraulics? Which shifter?

How do you account for wheelspin between shifts in your analysis?:dontknow:

I don't. That's why you and I could have identical shift times, but you could pull me during every shift. I was only measuring the duration of time from when the clutch disengaged the flywheel to the time it reengaged the flywheel.
I think what Chris is saying is he gets on the gas slightly quicker than releasing the clutch and is building rpm between shifts which is resulting in wheelspin when the clutch is released.

Exactly. It makes for a funky looking soundwave too.
damnit why couldn't you have done this 7 weeks ago!!!!!

this is interesting stuff and i like it...

one thing that you also can't account for is clutch slip...

i understand we're simply talking about actual shift times, but for instance, with the spec 1, there were times i'd powershift and the clutch wouldn't fully engage, the revs didn't climb, they just hung there...

one other thing that i noticed that i think was brought up earlier is the hydraulic systems.

with the oem clutch/pp/tob and oem hydros, i could powershift all day long and not miss. with the spec1, spec pp, spec tob, and oem hydos, i noticed i never could powershift 3rd and 4th... what i determined (through my best process of eliminations) is that the hydraulic system wasn't up to par when speed shifting and wouldn't allow the pp to release and re-engage as quickly as i could shift... instead of flat-footing the gas, however and lifting to about half throttle, i never had a problem...

hence my point of saying that no-lift-shifting and slight lifting when shifting may be nearly identical for someone who's in tune with their vehicle... i can't see how i lost anything by doing this, and even if i did, it would have had to be thousandths of a second...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwGsQbEKVSY]quick run thru 1-4 - YouTube[/ame]

seems slow as hell to me?:dontknow:
one thing that you also can't account for is clutch slip...

i can't see how i lost anything by doing this, and even if i did, it would have had to be thousandths of a second...

I agree with you about clutch slip.

I was going to agree with you on this too, but then I realized that Jerry is gaining HALF A SECOND over Andy through the 1/4 (again Andy, I really think your times will increase vastly with the console up).

In cab video Is uploading to YouTube now, turns out that I do lift when I shift

Did you just go out and make a couple passes so we could measure your shift times? LOL!
ummmm no....:D


You averaged .251 in that video. Our times are so close its scary. I overlapped my run with yours and it makes for a pretty cool bench race. If we shift into 2nd at the exact same time, I beat you into 3rd because of your wheel spin. But you still grab 4th way before i do.

**EDIT* As an interesting side note, Trainman's power shifting gains him 2 tenths over the 1/4.

You averaged .251 in that video. Our times are so close its scary. I overlapped my run with yours and it makes for a pretty cool bench race. If we shift into 2nd at the exact same time, I beat you into 3rd because of your wheel spin. But you still grab 4th way before i do.

**EDIT* As an interesting side note, Trainman's power shifting gains him 2 tenths over the 1/4.

Weird that I'd grab 4th before you with the 4.10's you have 4.56's right? I'll have to get an in cab video when I'm racing to see if there is any difference, seems like my 3-4 shift takes forever
Weird that I'd grab 4th before you with the 4.10's you have 4.56's right? I'll have to get an in cab video when I'm racing to see if there is any difference, seems like my 3-4 shift takes forever

Nope, I've got the 4:10's.

It makes sense that you are a lot faster than me (once your truck hooks up). D.A. when I recored the run I used to measure was 7091 feet and I was probably somewhere around 5300 pounds.
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