Serious opinions only, please.

Silverback said:
Did the country fall into chaos during the great depression? Did people turn on each other to survive?

For the most part people helped each other. I hope that if it does go bad, that we have not as a nation lost that ability.

Could I kill someone who maybe tried to break in only to get food? No. If it comes to this, and I really do not believe it will by the way, but if it does, I will do everything I can to help others as long as I can.

I don't believe buying guns and ammo is the answer. I believe helping others will be the way out.

Time will tell.

i dont think comparing the economy's state right now to the depression really plays into todays situation

when Ike was pres then he brought back that old america so to speak with slogan like happy days are here again

with obama in ofice he is speaking of "change" and "sharing the weath" so to speak so i think that todays world no one is gonna all stick together as a whole country with the presedent being black(i voted for him BTW) i think ppl with help there own race Racism is still strong no matter where you are IMO and that will kep the country down

and on the ammo the prices of guns has always gone up each year (i love to go to the shooting Range;) but this year thecost ammo is nearly double than last year of what With all the hystaria (Spelling) of assasonations and such it created a demand so they up the prices to gain a lil profit JMO

but more ppl have been resorting to crime to feed there families such as none skilled workers that were first to feel the economic down fall

these are just my thoughts :)
andrew heywood said:
That pretty much sums it up, If my memory serves me, the biggest crisis is lack of faith, 2nd is economic, 3rd is war,which is propaganda and greed, money is the root of alll evil,thats one evil I'am rootin for, git the jist of it? they skim the milk and git cream, the people with the cream lifestyles are gitting hit hard, the lobbyist is working over time to combat socialism,and gitting stonewalled, people want to protect their assets, and are having difficulty doing so! is the country in as much turmoil as the fear mungers make it out to be? I do not own a crsytal ball, however beit as it may, the answers to all your questions and more will come via VTCOA members and your own visisitudes, and a lot of skullduggin................internet..........GOD BLESS



Good word........... Only about 3 people on the whole forum know what it means........ As such, a nice selection... Way to go Andrew.

Django said:

Good word........... Only about 3 people on the whole forum know what it means........ As such, a nice selection... Way to go Andrew.

Did I really miss that many ss's.............:eek: should have looked it up for proper spelling..................thank you tmothy,as always being critiqued, will help and improve my spelling , vocabulary.etc. etc.:D
andrew heywood said:
Look it up, definition will vary in certain dictionarys....................:rock: :D :rock:

I think it was awesome that you had the balls and the adventurousness to use that word.....

I congratulate you, honestly..........:congrats:

Django said:

Good word........... Only about 3 people on the whole forum know what it means........ As such, a nice selection... Way to go Andrew.


There must be four people that know that word since Andrew said it, Tim acknowledged it and Dom spelled it correctly. Vicissitudes. I'll be quite contented as being number four. But to all else, life is chock full of vicissitudes. It could either be positive or negative. I think Andrew was thinking more negative. But, if we had control of absolutely everything, this would be a boring and predictable place. And yes money IS the root of all evil whether you have it or lack thereof. Greed is out of control and want/need is also out of the ball park.

Anyway, I don't know about all this fear concerning civil wars or race wars. That's a level I don't foresee happening in this country. Helping others in need? Yeah, that's what I can see happening. If someone would attempt to break into my home with the intention of stealing because of hard times, I would rather welcome them with a solution to their problem instead of an arsenal. But we can’t always determine the level of violence they have in mind so I suppose it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ve heard of too many home invasions ending in tragedy for the victims. I wonder what would any of us do if we were suddenly faced with that problem? What if our homes were lost along with our jobs and we have no other means to provide for our families? No one to depend on…. No VTCoA to look to…. Would you commit a slightly innocent crime to maintain?

Dave brought up something about families moving back in together to help one another. I am seriously thinking of doing this. Since my house has been paid off for a long while, I have been thinking about selling it and buying a huge 5 bedroom house. I can have my mother, father, brother and his wife move in to keep us together. No sense in us living separately and paying so many bills. It seems like a good idea to me since we all work. It’s especially good for me since I am away for a month at a time. I could always count on someone being home.
The expressions of Silverback, Django and Venom Power all seem to sum up my feelings.

The criminals will do what criminals will do. The rest will do what they can and be helped by those who are able to assist.

Times will get hard...but the country will survive and we will turn the economy around in time.

There is nothing wrong with questioning the current administration tactics but we all like TNViper says, need to be "hoping for success".

I don't own any weapons any more...gave them all away when 'rug rats' started getting into everything...and I would not ever kill anyone for stealing anything from much as I detest thieves.

You gotta be kind people, if you want to be prepared there is nothing wrong with making yourself comfortable in your own home. I really think that we will see light at the end of the tunnel soon...have faith, but be prepared.
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Prof said:
The expressions of Silverback, Django and Viper Power all seem to sum up my feelings.

The criminals will do what criminals will do. The rest will do what they can and be helped by those who are able to assist.

Times will get hard...but the country will survive and we will turn the economy around in time.

There is nothing wrong with questioning the current administration tactics but we all like TNViper says, need to be "hoping for success".

I don't own any weapons any more...gave them all away when 'rug rats' started getting into everything...and I would not ever kill anyone for stealing anything from much as I detest thieves.

You gotta be kind people, if you want to be prepared there is nothing wrong with making yourself comfortable in your own home. I really think that we will see light at the end of the tunnel soon...have faith, but be prepared.

Viper Power?!?!? Are you not wearing your glasses Roy?
Opps, Venom Power...had another episode last night (really)...having a brain scan (MRI) this morning...this is twice in the past three weeks...

My wife is worried that the brain scan will not find anything...:mad: :mad: :mad:

So the consensus so far would be that there is little to worry about as far as a threat to our personal safety.

I also hope and pray that by pulling together, we will overcome this mess.

BUT, let's hear from some of the "Survivalist" types...

There are people that are gearing up for the worst....buying MRE's, tents, generators, and the like.

What's the line of thinking here? Just being careful?

CarolinaSRT10 said:
So the consensus so far would be that there is little to worry about as far as a threat to our personal safety.
Dickinson Police Department said:
Night Time Burglary Alert

Dickinson Police News Release

By: Detective Frank Price
Dickinson Police Department Desk: 281-337-4700X322
Criminal Investigations Divis e-mail: [email protected]

February 24th 2009

The Dickinson Police Department wants to alert the citizens of Dickinson about a series of night time residential burglaries. The actor enters the residence during the early morning hours, while the homeowner is asleep, though an unlocked door or window.

The Dickinson Police Department is asking all citizens to be vigilant, and to be sure that all doors and windows are properly locked. Police are asking anyone that sees any thing suspicious to immediately call 911.
(pulled from our local PD forum...)

Home invasions have increased, car thefts have increased why wouldn't you arm yourself? As more people lose jobs more people are turning to crime as a way to make it...

NY Times story on the economy's affect on crime
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I'm not one for vigilante justice but those of you saying that if someone broke into your home while you and your family were there that you would ask what they wanted??? And if they claimed all they wanted was food you would believe that? Even IF that's all they wanted that particular time, you have just proven to them that you are an easy target if they decide they want something else, something they will take by force. That is a dangerous risk.

If someone breaks into my home, I'll tell them that I'm armed and if they don't leave right that second that I'm going to shoot them. Hungry? Knock on the door and ask. Physically breaking into my house, especially at night, will get you shot. How many break ins have you ever heard of where the intruder was unarmed?
Prof said:
Opps, Venom Power...had another episode last night (really)...having a brain scan (MRI) this morning...this is twice in the past three weeks...

My wife is worried that the brain scan will not find anything...:mad: :mad: :mad:

As in not finding a problem? :dontknow: Or the usual spousal smart assed answer.. "A brain?"
Scrambler1 said:
I'm not one for vigilante justice but those of you saying that if someone broke into your home while you and your family were there that you would ask what they wanted??? And if they claimed all they wanted was food you would believe that? Even IF that's all they wanted that particular time, you have just proven to them that you are an easy target if they decide they want something else, something they will take by force. That is a dangerous risk.

If someone breaks into my home, I'll tell them that I'm armed and if they don't leave right that second that I'm going to shoot them. Hungry? Knock on the door and ask. Physically breaking into my house, especially at night, will get you shot. How many break ins have you ever heard of where the intruder was unarmed?

:congrats: Good point Joe. If they were in need it would be safer for them to just knock and ask. Hell, if someone came to my house and was honestly hungry, I would likely offer to get them something to eat or some help. But it'll still be a risk as who's to know what their true intentions are? I would much rather do the neighborly thing but really if someone is knocking on your door late at night or is attempting to break in, it'll be quite hard to think their intentions are harmless. It wouldn't hurt to arm yourselves to be on the safe side. I mean, our families depend on us in many ways. Their personal safety is pretty high on that list.
Wow, so many paraniod people! Chill out and be happy you live in the greatest country in the world. This will pass and we will be fine.
Venom Power said:
There must be four people that know that word since Andrew said it, Tim acknowledged it and Dom spelled it correctly. Vicissitudes. I'll be quite contented as being number four. But to all else, life is chock full of vicissitudes. It could either be positive or negative. I think Andrew was thinking more negative. But, if we had control of absolutely everything, this would be a boring and predictable place. And yes money IS the root of all evil whether you have it or lack thereof. Greed is out of control and want/need is also out of the ball park.

Anyway, I don't know about all this fear concerning civil wars or race wars. That's a level I don't foresee happening in this country. Helping others in need? Yeah, that's what I can see happening. If someone would attempt to break into my home with the intention of stealing because of hard times, I would rather welcome them with a solution to their problem instead of an arsenal. But we can’t always determine the level of violence they have in mind so I suppose it’s better to be safe than sorry. I’ve heard of too many home invasions ending in tragedy for the victims. I wonder what would any of us do if we were suddenly faced with that problem? What if our homes were lost along with our jobs and we have no other means to provide for our families? No one to depend on…. No VTCoA to look to…. Would you commit a slightly innocent crime to maintain?

Dave brought up something about families moving back in together to help one another. I am seriously thinking of doing this. Since my house has been paid off for a long while, I have been thinking about selling it and buying a huge 5 bedroom house. I can have my mother, father, brother and his wife move in to keep us together. No sense in us living separately and paying so many bills. It seems like a good idea to me since we all work. It’s especially good for me since I am away for a month at a time. I could always count on someone being home.
Good mornin, the word in question, is used to better help the person with his proclivities, and to rely on the internal's instinctive gut, and to rely upon it. I did not intend the for anything negative, only solution. ...........:rock: :D :rock:
SinorSwim said:
Wow, so many paraniod people! Chill out and be happy you live in the greatest country in the world. This will pass and we will be fine.
Cause they are loseing their ass in the stock market, like roy's just on paper............have a wonderful day everyone :rock: :D :rock:
SinorSwim said:
Wow, so many paraniod people! Chill out and be happy you live in the greatest country in the world. This will pass and we will be fine.

No offense....but chilling out and being the complacency that helped get us into this mess.

When does preparedness become paranoia anyway?

Scrambler1 said:
I'm not one for vigilante justice but those of you saying that if someone broke into your home while you and your family were there that you would ask what they wanted??? And if they claimed all they wanted was food you would believe that? Even IF that's all they wanted that particular time, you have just proven to them that you are an easy target if they decide they want something else, something they will take by force. That is a dangerous risk.

If someone breaks into my home, I'll tell them that I'm armed and if they don't leave right that second that I'm going to shoot them. Hungry? Knock on the door and ask. Physically breaking into my house, especially at night, will get you shot. How many break ins have you ever heard of where the intruder was unarmed?
Joe, You gotta be joking!! Hopefully the only thing they will here from me is a loud click. (My shotgun is a pump)

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