i try real hard everyone on here knows english is my second language and you choose to pick at me because im not real educated thats just fucked up bro

It may be fucked up but it may just motivate you to try harder to improve. ;) It's just cuz I care
im trying to go ....does that answer your question asshole:D:D:D

Lmao......yessir. Gotta speak slowly to us country boys from Illinois. I thought I remeber Rick talking about buying some items from a member in Cali and thought u were asking for transport of parts. Of course I have been drunk since then so who knows how accurate that is or I may not have any of that right.
Lmao......yessir. Gotta speak slowly to us country boys from Illinois. I thought I remeber Rick talking about buying some items from a member in Cali and thought u were asking for transport of parts. Of course I have been drunk since then so who knows how accurate that is or I may not have any of that right.

You dizzy bastard, I'm buying parts from Dom and he needs parts from Cali brought here. :D
You dizzy bastard, I'm buying parts from Dom and he needs parts from Cali brought here. :D

That is what I thought. That's why I asked if he was gonna make it. Wasn't sure if the "stuff" he was talking about was the parts or if it was his way of asking to catch a ride. Then he asked if I saw the thread and said he was gonna try to make so it made me believe he was talking about carpooling. Either way, now I know he is still a maybe.
That is what I thought. That's why I asked if he was gonna make it. Wasn't sure if the "stuff" he was talking about was the parts or if it was his way of asking to catch a ride. Then he asked if I saw the thread and said he was gonna try to make so it made me believe he was talking about carpooling. Either way, now I know he is still a maybe.

Damn it Kyle, some of us are drinking, keep it to one sentence. :D
is it possible for you guys to swing dowm to san diego and pick some (STUFF;)) up for me and bring it to phx i will gladly pay you for your time and fuel.....

What do you need from San Diego Dom? Its definitly out of our way on the way there but i just so happen to be takin the full day off friday so i could possibly drive down there in the morning and pick up your "stuff" lol Call or text me ill PM you my number and you can fill me in and see if i can help you out or not
Kyle please put down the bottle and go to sleep your confusing the sh!t out of everyone lol. Im gonna PM legs to take the bottle in a second hahahaa
Lance won't be able to make it to help with photo. He got called into work on Saturday for inventory duty that's mandatory. Unless Ron at Cherry Performance can pull a rabbit out of the hat we need a photographer for the event. I have the camera gear nec. I will just put it on full auto mode to make it easier. Justin is operating the second camera for interviews with his girlfriend Legs. Dom you canbe my bitch and help me.:D
This is hard for me to do and type out but here it goes.....

As some of you know I'm struggling thru a real tough time in life right now. I could have taken the easy way out but I stuck to my honor and principles. I'm paying for that now and can't afford to go out of pocket. I can help with my time and do video/photo. I do need to have the expenses covered.

Ok so here's the deal with the video team. The gas expenses are going to be around $240. The entrance and misc track expenses should be around $40. The video tapes and batteries are around $50. Lodging covered by Rick (Thanks Rick) Misc exp say $50. Trainman has offered to help with gas but it would be unfair to expect him to cover the whole bill. Jason is coming with me so he will help with some but I'm not sure how much? What can we do here?
I can pitch in a little cash as well as helping with lodging if need be. I can take care of track admission for sure.
What kind of wine coolers you ladies drink? And getting here before midnight would be cool,lol.