Riff update thread

Riff62 said:
Ok..Im up and have about 80 threads to catch up on..Jeez you guys post alot..lol
Im feeling great..Gonna have to find something to eat around here..with 2 teenagers, and 2 grandmothers alone for 4 days there isnt alot left..outta tp too..geesh!
Bob..Im looking forward to gettin your butt out here..I know the cost is alot, but man it sure would be great to hang out and drink a few beers with you..
Tim, Thankyou for all the kind words bud..I really appreciate it..My door is always open for you as well if you ever care to visit the right side of the world..lol..
As for the GTG, I was thinking like Mid June..Maybe the w/e of June 14th?..Just throwing it out there to try an pin down a date.It would be far enough after the Panama City one for those who are going, and far enough before the Nats that it wouldnt kill everyone who is going financially but Im flexible so there is alot of wiggle room for the date. Dianne and I were talking about it earlier today and she is up for whatever you guys wanna do as am I..We look forward to having everyone here again..we had a blast last time, and this year will be even better..

Matt, wonderful that your doing so well, and your back here posting up already:rock: :rock: Prayers have been answered, and God's speed on continued healing.:rock: :rock: :rock:
Welcome home Matt

:elefant: :star: :dancing: :congrats: :flowers: :wavey: :marchmellow: :proud: :hello: :cheers: :beerglass: :beer: :top::dancing2: :cool:

And to finish it up.

:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

Screw the bandwidth (what ever the f*ck that is), it's a god damn party.:elefant:
WOW! That is incredible news. Glad your doing so well. Continue your speedy recovery and welcome back.

And thanks for keeping us posted Mikey.:rock:
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Riff62 said:
Ok..Im up and have about 80 threads to catch up on..Jeez you guys post alot..lol
Im feeling great..Gonna have to find something to eat around here..with 2 teenagers, and 2 grandmothers alone for 4 days there isnt alot left..outta tp too..geesh!
Bob..Im looking forward to gettin your butt out here..I know the cost is alot, but man it sure would be great to hang out and drink a few beers with you..
Tim, Thankyou for all the kind words bud..I really appreciate it..My door is always open for you as well if you ever care to visit the right side of the world..lol..
As for the GTG, I was thinking like Mid June..Maybe the w/e of June 14th?..Just throwing it out there to try an pin down a date.It would be far enough after the Panama City one for those who are going, and far enough before the Nats that it wouldnt kill everyone who is going financially but Im flexible so there is alot of wiggle room for the date. Dianne and I were talking about it earlier today and she is up for whatever you guys wanna do as am I..We look forward to having everyone here again..we had a blast last time, and this year will be even better..

Glad you are doing well!!!! and yes, HO's do post alot ;) ;) ;) ;) :elefant:
Thank you all for your thoughts and PMs..I truly appreciate it all..
I just wanted to let you know what happens next..
I obviously will have some time getting recovered...Dianne is kinda miffed with me right now because I drove to the store for coffee..lol..I guess Im not supposed to..Anyway, I have something like 170 stitches in my head, which run from in front of my ear, toward the back, down behind the ear, and it all ends somewhere near my chin..I am numb on the left side of my head, although I have some feeling there, like a little here and there..I have a semi large spot on the side of my neck where they cut me to expose the facial nerve. This was also to remove the lower part of the tumor which was not visible after moving my ear and bones behind the ear. This area is swollen and has stuff draining out of it, but as long as it isnt clear fluid, we are doing good..
I have an appt for next Monday to insert a gold weight in my left eyelid to help it close all the way. After that its another procedure to lift my left eye a bit, and then explore the possibility of plugging my severed facial nerve into my tongue to get some movement there..not sure if it will work, but they are optomistic..
After that, there are some follow up appts with the surgeons to check stuff out, and probably an MRI or 20 to see if the tumor grows back..
And then we are done..lol..
On a more bewildering note for me personally, I got a visit from my former boss when I got home..We sat and talked a bit, and he asked what restrictions I have on activity..Not sure what this means, but he is calling me Monday, and is going to stop in again Tuesday, so something is going on..Although it could be that he is just genuinely concerned about me, which Im sure he is..We are still friends even though I dont work for him anymore..He actually paid for a pre surgery party that Dianne and I put together with some friends..He was there, picked up the tab, and gave me a hug on the way out, said Have Dianne tell me about the surgery..Was ready to get in the car and drive 2 hrs to see me but I got out the night before. Just puzzling to me..lol..

I was going to try and post a picture of my Van Gogh get up, as the stitches are harder to look at..lol..I cant get it uploaded though..So Mikey, if you are out there..feel free to post it..

Thanks again..you guys have really helped get me through this..I am not an emotional person, but your caring and sensitivity tears me up every time..

Glad to hear you're at home and doing well, Matt!!!

I'm sure they'll get the details worked out in the next couple of months.
I hope you're a James Bond fan, because your new nickname is going to be: GoldenEye! :D

Relax and recover.
Let other people do stuff for ya....and don't feel guilty about it. LOL
Great news Matt. Just don't try rushing your recovery, it takes time. Thank you for the update. Oh and I know all about head and face stiches, I have been stiched up more than Frankenstein.

Begood said:
Great news Matt. Just don't try rushing your recovery, it takes time. Thank you for the update. Oh and I know all about head and face stiches, I have been stiched up more than Frankenstein.


And it shows it.

Sorry Bill, just could not pass that one up.:D
Yeah..The stitches suck, and itch, and drive me insane, but its better than the alternative..lol.

Billy, my man, I am taking this one day at a time here.,.not rushing anything, just enjoying every moment here brother..I will get better, back to normal, and on with life,,with a bum ear, and a smile on my face. grinning like a fool for a 2nd chance..
Riff62 said:
Yeah..The stitches suck, and itch, and drive me insane, but its better than the alternative..lol.

Billy, my man, I am taking this one day at a time here.,.not rushing anything, just enjoying every moment here brother..I will get better, back to normal, and on with life,,with a bum ear, and a smile on my face. grinning like a fool for a 2nd chance..

your welcome Matt... may we spend another thausend years together :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Riff update ................

Hey guys Matt just sent me a couple texts. I am sad to report he is back in the hospital. They believe he is leaking brain fluid :( He will not know for sure if it's brain or spinal fluid until late tonight or tomorrow some time. If it's brain fluid he will be in the hospital for a week or so. So please keep him in your prayers and thoughts. That uplifted his spirits so much....I will call Diane later tonight and see if they know anything more on his sitchiation :D

Matty hang in there Bro....We knew it was not going to be an easy ride...I am here for the long haul Bro :rock:

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